I don't really play scary games, this one was a bit too much for me lol.

I'm not really a big fan of first person rpg's so I knew this wasn't really for me. Still tried it anyways and it was fine but I didn't want to play past that first session.

Played this for a session and it was fine but not great. The puzzles I played were alright but nothing crazy.

Cute for a level or two but I got tired of it pretty fast.

Enjoyed what I played of the campaign but I'm just not someone who likes first-person campaigns very often. The multiplayer on the other hand I adored.

Played about 5-10 hours of this and while I enjoyed it I never really got fully invested. I want to come back and play through this when I have a giant amount of time to devote to it.

Owned this when I was younger and did not play it a ton. I'm sure the game is pretty good but I don't own it anymore to see.

I really should get to the King of Cards campaign at some point because all three of these that I've played have been so much fun.

This was super forgettable for me. Played through it with a couple of friends but never really got into Destiny until the second game.

I only played the first couple missions of the campaign but I remember it actually being fun. Also didn't hate the multiplayer like a lot of people. Overhated game.

This game is decent. I definitely prefer battlefront 2 but I had some fun with this as well.

Genuinely probably my least favorite game ever. I couldn't care less if all the Pokemon aren't in the game or anything, I just thought everything about this was lazy. The story was awful, the gameplay was the worst in the series, and the game looks horrible. There design of the world as well was really bland with hardly any memorable moments in the whole game. The open zones were easily the most memorable locals but they felt far too barren to be all that much fun to play in. Probably won't pick up any mainline Pokemon until next gen at this point.

My introduction to Battlefield. Fun multiplayer experience.

It's just Madden, fun but not great overall.

I think I only bought this because the switch was pretty new and I wanted something to hold me over until Mario Odyssey. Unfortunately, this game was not it. Pushed through and ended up beating the game even if I didn't really enjoy it. I heard the new Fire Emblem Warriors is much better but I don't think I'm ever going to play a Warriors game again unless Nintendo decides to make a gamepass service.