Finally moving away from the sterile 2D adventures, Wonder is an absolute delight of a game that had me none stop smiling from beginning to end.

Firstly, the new art style is absolutely gorgeous and the characters are animated better than ever before, there's so much detail put into every aspect of this game's presentation.. including full voice acting for the first time in 2D Mario, adding some real personality to this world.

The story of course is extremely simple, but the excuse to bring so many playable characters to the table is a welcome one.

This game controls perfectly, like no exaggeration every movement is smooth, and while character exclusive abilities aren't really a thing, the new badges can help add spice to the moveset depending on your playstyle.

Every single level brings a new obstacle to the table, especially when factoring in the Wonder flowers, which essentially cause an acid trip in the best way. These sections send the game in some crazy directions but it always made me smile, and constantly added variety to the gameplay.

The bosses were a let down, mainly for the lack of creativity that the rest of the game relishes in, but they are just a small factor. The music is fantastic, and with plenty of stages to play, tons of secrets to find and harder levels to challenge yourself with, this truly is Wonderful - 9/10

A return to the classic formula with a fresh look and full multiplayer, Sonic Superstars is essentially Sonic 5, in a good way. Not only does it look fantastic and wonderfully cartoony, but it brings completely new stages to the series for the first time in years! And most of these stages are fantastic, with a great sense of flow that only feels better the more you improve.

There's several playable characters which is fantastic for replayability, and tons of secrets to discover in every stage. It also introduced Emerald powers, abilities each character can use after collecting chaos emeralds, and I love this. It gives you more incentive than ever to find the special stages and unlock these powers.. which isn't hard because the special stages are absolutely piss easy, weirdly so.

The levels are honestly great and the music is pretty brillaint, though some tracks are clearly better than others.

The place the game loses the most points are the boss fights, they really missed the mark here. Some are easy pickings, but many of them just go on way too long, dragging out with long periods of invulnerability, and too many phases. Now quite a few bosses can be cheesed using emerald powers - and I like that, but the final bosses are awful. The final boss of hard mode is so drawn out with no checkpoints, and the true final boss isn't hard but goes on for an enternity.

That aside though, Sonic Superstars has a great energy, and i enjoyed it a lot - 8/10

A sequel to the 3DS original, this game follows on from the game, though it's amazing how much the 2019 film spoiled the plot of this 2023 game. While events don't pan out exactly the same, the ending is similar enough that it really makes me think this game was supposed to release years ago, especially considering how no gen 9 Pokémon are present at all, this is clearly a gen 8 game, one that's development must have been strained.

Many cutscenes in this cutscene heavy game were clearly rushed, with lip syncing not matching the English dialouge and cut corners galore. When they do go the extra mile, it's some of the best animation Pokémon has put out there, and the voice acting isn't half bad. The story is predictabie, but heartwarming and i enjoy the cast as a whole.

The game is a very railroaded detective game, where you collect evidence, build a case and find a suspect. As you are able to interact with people and Pokémon to Collect statements, there's plenty of opportunity for fun character moments. Side quests are abundant for some variety and I love how the results of these are published in the next days newspaper, that's great detail.

The new thing for this game is rideable Pokémon to allow for some puzzle solving, and this is okay, it's not very deep, but it works.

This game definitely needed more time in the oven, but it is still a fun distraction with plenty of charm - 6.5/10

1 of 2 attempts at making the Megaman formula work as a Metroidvania, ZX is a game with fantastic ideas, fast paced combat and amazing level design, all combined into a game that doesn't know how to put all these parts togther seamlessly.

The story follows on from the end of the Zero games, but is pretty light throughout, not taking advantage of the characters presented. But the setup allows for one of the most versatile characters in the series in terms of gameplay, you essentially can switch between different playable modes at any time, some which focus, on combat, some on movement, some excel in certain scenarios, the variety is there.
It's so annoying that the game just doesn't do enough with these abilities, despite how cool they are, I ended up not using a few of them due to a lack of obstacles requiring specific abilities.

However when it comes to general level design, it's fantastic, every area is set up like a traditional stage, and the flow is spot on. But the areas all interconnect, not always giving you an easy way to fast travel around them. This leads to you retreading your steps a lot, especially when doing side quests that can only be taken on one at a time... it's stupid.
But despite that, the game is so much fun when it's just being a Megaman game. The bosses are great, I love the music, and despite the obvious missed potential, this is still a top pick from the series - 7.5/10

After Olimar's company ends up bankrupt, it's realised that artifacts from the previous game could get them out of debt, so Olimar sets off with newcomer Louis to find as much treasure as possible and save the company

Despite the higher emphasis on cutscenes and messages from other characters, I actually didn't like this story as much, it's more upbeat and loses the atmosphere the first game had.

Pikmin 2 is very similar gameplay wise, however now there's 2
Characters and 2 new types of Pikmin which allow for more strategy and multitasking. However you don't really need to worry about efficiency this time around, as the 30 day limit was removed. You have as much time as you want, removing the tension from each day.

Instead the focus is more on combat and dungeons, the main worlds are just as detailed and complex as before, and this is where I had the most fun multitasking. But most of the game is spent in underground caverns which are
Sort of random, the layout is often similar it just shuffles enemies around.

The dungeons are homogeneous, and even when they do get more visually interesting.. your doing the same thing on every floor, kill the enemies, find the treasure.
There's no puzzie solving down here and with no time limit, it can get mindless. Yeah the later ones get brutal, which I actually sorta liked, but the shift in focus leads to a lesser experience overall, despite being fun it it's own ways - 7/10

I think when people complained about the issues Frontiers had, Sonic Team were like "hold my rings" and went and added a whole loads of updates plus an entire DLC chapter totally for free.

This included tons of little fixes, as well as making Tails,
Knuckles and Amy playable in 3D for the first time in 10+ years! And for Tails and Amy, it's their best playable appearance to date, with Knuckles still being great but he has some room to improve. The story is essentially an alternative ending to the base game, with these other characters getting far more spotlight.

The giant final island is crammed with platforming challenges for every character and they are easily some of the best in the series. Sonics new linear stages are a huge step up.. however.. if there's one thing they took personally, was that the base game was too easy. This is one of the most difficult Sonic sections ever, and some of it is amazing.
The platforming that takes advantage of Momentum is incredible, but enemies are now extreme damage sponges. There are missions in sonic's levels which are literally huge pace breakers, as well as a fair bit of jank overall.

The new final boss is an absolute spectacle, giving us one of the coolest moments for Sonic ever, with the boss being hard but much more consistent than the original final boss.

However I will say some elements are just too difficult for a Sonic game, and it makes this a cautious reccomened - 7/10

Set inbetween Banjo 1 and 2, this game involves the witch Gruntilda escaping.. before getting put back where she started in time for Banjo Tooie, so yeah nothing of value happens.

I get it though it's the GBA spin-off that's main aim was to try and bring the Banjo experience to the game boy.

And that's exactly what they did, you know what this wasn't actually half bad. The isometric perspective isn't much of a hindrance as the game is built around it, and with enough time Banjo can learn a ton of skills from the other games which all feel smooth to control.

The game is basically Banjo 1 on GBA, while the levels are different they don't stray too far from what you expect, though the levels were actually quite memorable.

There's tons of collectibles to be found, mini games to play, transformations for Banjo and bosses to fight.

It's a Banjo game, a very simple and short one, it only took me a few hours to beat this 100% but for the handheld it's perfect.

It's just, in 2023 when the console games are even more readily available than this, there isn't much point to play this now. Don't get me wrong it's a solid game, but it's purpose is sort of lost to time. It looks good for the system, and has an upbeat ost.

It's a good game. Just don't go out of your way to play this unless your Banjo mad - 6/10

Peach's second solo outing is a pretty unique concept, as Peach must perform the lead roles of many plays within a theatre invaded by the "Sour Bunch" hoping to enact their "ultimate tragedy". The story isn't deep, new characters don't get much spotlight and the animation isn't the best Nintendo has put out there.

But damn I do love the stage setting, the way the stages rotate, the background elements held up by strings and the spotlight focusing on Peach, it's all very stylised and when paired with this games very dreamy soundtrack, there's an almost Disney like nostalgia about the whole thing.

Gameplay is very scattered, as Peach must don 10 roles and therefore 10 gameplay styles. It's like a grab bag, we have stealth,
platforming, combat, cake making, a rhythm game, a detective game... the variety is there but none of these styles are particularly deep and never get more complex than the basics.

Each style gets 3 stages, which isn't enough time to flesh them out or introduce much new, and while some styles are better than others, nothing is outstanding.

There are collectibles in every level, they can be fun to collect, but if you miss one the game often locks you into the next section, forcing a replay, which in stages this long and linear isn't very fun.

It's a charming game for sure and the bosses are surprisingly good, but it could do with more consistency - 6/10

Finally on the PlayStation, MGS stars Solid Snake on a mission to prevent a nuclear strike by terrorists who have hijacked a new form of Metal Gear and have given USA 24 hours to respond to their demands.

The story is much more layered than before
With extremely memorable characters, well written dialogue and twists that I didn't see coming. The voice acting is brilliant by the standards of the time, and while cutscenes are aged by the presentation, I still think it has a timeless charm.

There's plenty of optional conversations to flesh out the characters and even a full optional mission briefing to get things started. There's a lot of dialogue, but the gameplay/story balance here is pretty spot on.

The gameplay is great. It’s made the 3D jump, but the camera is still top down, only shifting when you look around in 1st person or when the game shifts it to give you a better view.

Controls are smooth and combat is much better, there's a few different weapons and they work well in the boss fights, which are also fun.

Stealth is a major component, and simply being in 3D adds depth not possible before. You can perform takedowns and hide in boxes, and you will acquire gadgets for sneaking and exploration. The only sour
Point is the forced backtracking, especially during the final stretch, but overall this has held up great - 8/10

Pikmin involves the space explorer Olimar crash landing on a planet due to a meteor strike scattering crucial parts of his ship all over the planets surface. Olimar encounters the Pikmin, slightly creepy plant creatures who obey his every command and it's then a case of repairing the ship in 30 days before his life support systems fail.

It's a simple plot, but the mood is surprisingly somber, with the environments doing plenty of the story telling, which still look incredible to this day.

As Olimar you explore one of 5 areas and use the Pikmin to recover the pieces of the ship. You have 30 in game days to locate the parts, with each day working on a timer before you must return to the ship with your Pikmin. If you leave any Pikmin in the field they are eaten and are gone for good. So it's about managing your time, how much can you get away with before sunset?

Using the 3 different types of Pikmin you are simply directing them to pick things up, destroy bridges or kill enemies. The day limit may seem daunting but I feel you have more than enough time to find everything, and you don't even need to get 100%. If you’re efficient, make a plan and choose the right Pikmin for the job, you'll be fine.

I really enjoyed this, it was stressful but serene at the same time, a very different game loop, but one I'm excited to play more of - 8/10

A remake of the bonus chapter from the ps2 release, Seperate Ways takes us through Ada Wongs side of the story.

In terms of writing I find this version to be stronger than the original, although I'm unsure on Ada's voice performance.
It's less femme fatale and more "I really don't care". It's not awful and she has some good lines, but Ada has been done better before.

However I do think this version of the side campaign is better than the original. All the Improvements from the base remake are put to great use here, and Ada's grappling hook is used for both spectacle and in combat, making her extremely fun to play as.

You essentially are playing certain sections of the main game in a new order, and this DLC doesn't add too many new areas, even strangely omitting some parts that were new in the original version.

However there will be some surprises in here for fans of the original game, as a few things omitted from the remake got their time in the sun here.

This campaign flows really well, and the new stuff is mixed in with the old just enough to ensure this doesn't feel like a total retread, something the original struggled with. A few of the omissions are definitely odd, but I think it was in service to the new narrative.

I enjoyed this, it's not quite how you remember, but for £7? It's totally worth it - 8/10

Before anyone asks yes while I did do some side content I did mostly focus on the main story... still played nearly 30 hours which is long enough to judge a game.. and Starfield is a very interesting case.

A massive universe to explore and an ambitious concept that is marred by outdated design, load times, gamebreaking glitches and mediocre gameplay.

Starfield may be vast but nothing you do interested me. Gunplay was fine just very basic, most areas you explore are randomly generated and therefore don't feel very detailed or thought out, the Ul is a total mess and ship combat couldn't be more bland.

But there is content that shines through, while the missions didn't grab me personally, the amount there is to do here is staggering.
If you wanna go out and do you own thing, ignore the story and become whatever you want, you can, and some of it felt really immersive, like becoming a space cowboy or infiltrating a criminal gang.

Problem is there's 0 flow to any of it, you don't need to fly anywhere you just fast travel so you spend all your time in menus.

If you do choose to follow the story, you'll find a decent plot with a few likeable characters and a genuinely interesting twist and ending.

But it still frustrated me going through the story when it felt like the game constantly gets in its own way.

There is absolutely something there if you can get past the flaws, but for me, I just can't, and won't be going back - 4.5/10

Jumping into this DLC I was pretty apprehensive, none of the trailers had really convinced me this was going to be anything than just more of the base game, one I had enjoyed but wasn't in a rush to get back into.

And while yes, that's essentially what this is, I was pleasantly surprised with this expansion.

The Teal Mask takes place in the small settlement of Kitakami, and the story centres around 2 new characters who were genuinely very interesting to me, made me once again wish there was voice acting because the personal issues these guys face are well written and interesting, and they reflect on the Pokémon of the story.

It's not complicated but in a few hours it tells one of the more compelling main series Pokémon stories out there.

The area being smaller really helps with the game, the pacing is fantastic here, there's loads to discover by exploring and some pretty tough boss fights that challenge you way more than the base game.

Performance is still a major issue, it runs like
crap, and while the textures are improved here, it still feels like everything is in slow motion at points.

But once again this doesn't define the whole experience, the teal mask has lots to do for the price and shows that with a little more time the guys at gamefreak can make great content. -7.3/10