The spike fetish holds this back from being my favorite, but it's still pretty damn strong

This game has many sins but Wily Capsule 7 alone really tanks it down to being only slightly better than MM1 on the whole, despite its improvements

Good, but that certainly was a Mega Man game

So fucking peak. I have some nitpicks with certain points gameplay-wise, but they're very small. Absolutely makes up for XB3's kinda weird climax, and it makes me beyond excited for the future of Xeno.

This game takes a really cool concept but only makes it like 60% realized. I feel like they could've done so much more interesting ideas with the coma structure but it doesn't quite hit those peaks, and what cool concepts there are don't get fleshed out enough. Also the final chapter, while cool, falls apart on a QA level.

That being said I do hope this sorta thing gets tried again with current tech to speed up the map navigation and expand the overall potential of the shift system. Also set it in a new IP, it needs the breathing room.

Pretty cute little platformer. I do think the screen-crunch can be annoying sometimes I enjoyed my time regardless.

I did feel like the final boss's lightning attack is way too goddamn fast and feels like trial and error at points. I'll check out the Genesis version sometime down the line.

I think the upgrade system shouldn't even be in the game and it should've just gone for a proper Metroidvania/SEARCH ACTION progression system, but the game still rocks anyway. Rating the full package as one whole here.

The beginning was kinda slower than it should've but that's not really a big issue for me. Loved the hell out of this game. The jumpscares got annoying though.

I need to do Final Draft, will append when I do so.

Extremely innovative, I was kinda blown away by how well this aged considering it was when the FPS genre was in its infancy, and Mario 64 hadn't revolutionized 3D platforming. I normally think the whole Ghost N Goblins approach to NG+ is silly but the core gameplay feels nice enough (and it's also very much short enough) that it didn't bother me.

Go give this game a spin if you haven't already, it's really neat. I gotta peep the sequel.

I cried.

Really good expansion, love the combat to the point of wishing XB2 base could be played with these systems. All that being said I think the community gatelocking is far too awkward and should have been breadcrumbed better considering you only really get hit with it in the earlygame and literally right before the end. It's a pacekiller if you're not the type to inherently plug away at sidequests.

A remake I didn't think I would ever see come about. The original game is a welcome expansion given how short it was on DS. I never played Another Code R before but I loved it here, though I learned about the massive amount of rewriting in its back half that makes me wanna play the original sometime. I also think they sanded down the puzzles a bit too much given what I remember about the DS original and what I heard about R's Wii puzzles.

I really REALLY hope we see a Kyle Hyde duology remaster

Rating these together because I can't separate it but I think the GBC ports as a whole are probably my recommended way of playing these two (or at least DQ1, 2 you may wanna go SNES).

Dragon Quest 1 through this port has aged really well, quaint little RPG you can punch out in a few sittings tops, if not one straight shot. I do think that it has growing pains but given how seminal it is, I'm willing to excuse it a bit.

Dragon Quest 2 improves a bunch and I'm sure if we were talking NES I'd call it a straight improvement, but I think it's in this awkward spot where it loses the quaint feeling from DQ1 while not having a fully realized scope to warrant that. I'm willing to somewhat excuse it again since this is the first one with multiple party members, but yeah it's more contentious for me. Endgame was hellish to boot.

Anyway I think I prefer DQ1 out of the two and I probably won't revisit 2 anytime soon even if it aged way better than Final Fantasy 2 lmoa

A remaster we never needed, but I vastly appreciate from the bottom of my heart. Honestly one of the best remasters ever made especially given hardly anyone from Prime's dev team is still at Retro.

Really fucking impressive for an early 3DS game. I think the plot pacing gets really silly in the back half but it's not in a way that negatively impacts my enjoyment. The finale rocked.

I do think there should have been more V.S. segments though, it feels like you get Gingira way too late in considering he's in the prologue.

Also side-nitpick, the FMVs, be it for this port or the fan translation, have some pretty nasty data artifacting at times. It's not really busted, just scuffed. I kinda wish it was in a better spot on RPCS3 (supposedly has softlocking issues).

The main story is hilariously thin and the arena's top half is CBT-tier even with a really busted build. You basically have to pick garage for some of them if you didn't Human Plus in AC1, or else they will glide around at mach 5 and be the hydrogen bomb to your coughing baby.