I hate it. painfully boring game that only gets mildly interesting towards it's ending when you get some freedom, otherwise you're on a track the whole time. Not just the story, but the character progression too which is a big NO for me

Very good game, pushes the NES to it's limits in terms of visuals and sound capabilities but where it really shines is its class system. It's great

Very much over hated

Its brutally hard and unfair and it's gameplay is close to absolutely incomprehensible. But if you actually put some effort into it and try to understand it you might just find yourself playing a very original and interesting game with really good ideas. It's got a ton of charm too!

Classic game, very well balanced, accessible for casual playthroughs while still offering a lot of depth. It might be the best FF from an objective POV

Complete garbage but at the same time absolutely perfect

Vibes for days

First time I played it I thought it was my favorite FF ever but when I replayed it I realized I didn't like it as much as I thought I did. The story and presentation are great ', possibly the best in all of FF but the gameplay is painfully stiff and linear and it just makes everything feel so tedious

Still have a lot of love for it though

I have to replay this one but I remember it very fondly. Unfortunately just completed the story and was done with it years ago. This has to change.

Definitely improves the FF4 experience, doesn't make it that much better but there's some cool stuff in there. Brutally hard though especially as a 8 year old kid back then

This is the one. I love everything about it. The world, the story, the characters, the designs everything is so charming and just calls you to adventure without taking itself too seriously. All that is fantastic but the real meat of the game is the job system and oh man it's so good and surprisingly deep for a game this old. A masterpiece in my opinion and possibly the best final fantasy game

Knew almost nothing about Pikmin when i started the game... Well i did not expect it to blow me away the way it did but here we are! In the span of 4 days this has become one of my favorite games. I love everything about this game. One of the most relaxing yet anxiety inducing games ive ever played, its tense, funny, devastating, beautiful, made me feel a whole lot of things. Will replay and now im gonna start Pikmin 2 because i need more!!!

My first few playthroughs of this one were really enjoyable and I instantly fell in love with it. But the last time I played it was when it really clicked, I actually digged deep into it's mechanics and managed to really just bend the game to my will and it was incredible, there is so much hidden depth in there it's beautiful

I've never felt as excited and satisfied playing a game as when I finally got the final power moon.