Top 20 games of all time, ranked.

This list is probably going to change a million times and never be consistent, but I'll give it a shot. Also its not really based on the objective quality of the games but more so my personal connection and liking to them. Trust me i do not actually think Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS is one of the top 20 best video games ever created. If I ever add a game after the creation of this list, it will simply dethrone what is underneath it, meaning this list will not always be at 20 games.

Younger me somehow managed to squeeze 40 hours out of this game, and loved every second of it. It really showed me i should never to pursue a job designing levels in video games.
I believe that if this game was just a bit longer it would be the best 3D Mario ever created.
There was a period of time where this game was my life. It was the first game i played with such a grand scope in terms of its storytelling and had me on the edge of my seat throughout my whole first playthrough.
This was the first game to show me how much more there was to gaming beyond nintendo. I (for some reason) played this as my first MGS game and was brought to tears by it's story numerous times despite not even being that in love with the gameplay.
Wii nostalgia.
The first game console i ever owned was a little gameboy color i bought for myself off amazon in 5th grade, alongside this game. It introduced me to Pokemon and RPGs as a whole, and despite other peoples claims that it has aged terribly and is unplayable, i enjoyed it immensely. Ill forever have an unreal amount of nostalgia for anything to do with this game.
This game is more or less tied with brawl. one of the first games i sunk a significant amount of time into.
I still have not really gotten over the incredible atmosphere of this game. The music, story, and themes within this game really made it something truly special to play through for the first time.
My first smash game and my first fighting game. This game is likely the reason I'm still playing smash ultimate today.
I have unlimited nostalgia playing this game as a kid and think it is still one of the best mario kart games. Amazing courses, characters, music, items, karts, bikes, and really everything.
This game saved me during covid.
Its pretty obvious that this game is a masterpiece in every sense. One of the first major AAA games i played and one I'll never forget.
I cant even explain why i love this one so much. i only played it for the first time relatively recently and can definitely see how it's aged, but i just completely love it. Few games are able to rival the sense of pure wonder you get while playing a game as original and joyful as this.
I suck at this game. I barely understand anything about it. I am completely incompetent without help from my friends. Somehow I've spent almost 200 hours in it.
One of the few games on this list i don't really have any nostalgia for, its just that amazing.
My second most played game just under Minecraft. My journey of continuously getting more and more skilled at this game has been one of the most unique and fulfilling experiences I've ever had in gaming. I first purchased it in 2019 alongside a few other friends who were also new to the game, and to this day we are still pushing each other to become better and better until one of us comes out on top.
Playing through this game for the first time is really an incredible experience. The incredible story hit me completely out of left field and had me obsessed with this game for months after my first playthrough.
Similar to Celeste, this is just such a phenomenal game on every level i cant not include it here.
One of the first modern games i played to leave a major impression on me. The scope of this game was unlike anything i had ever played before and its one of the few video games i have replayed numerous times.
Minecraft is a game that allows for unlimited creativity and freedom if you're willing to dedicate enough time to it. I have many fond memories playing this with friends and having an absolute blast. I've spent well over 2000 hours in this game and don't plan on slowing down anytime soon, making this likely my favourite game of all time.


2 months ago

Minecwaf :)

2 months ago

Sum gud shit

2 months ago

It's cool to see Minecraft at the very top ! There is a damn good reason this is the best selling game of all times 🔥
I miss the times when I was completely addicted to this game, I made so many friends on servers like Hypixel or Mineplex.
Also it has my favorite soundtrack ever. It's a bit difficult to compare to other OSTs I love like NieR or Xenoblade tho. But the musics are amazing!

Mario Kart Wii nostalgia also hit hard, it's the only Mario Kart game I've played, but so many memories of the sleepness nights playing this game with my brother, while our parents were asleep 😄

Also Xenoblade 1, you love to see it ! Really cool list 👌

1 month ago

already based and liked sir

1 month ago

Hype for Celeste!

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