Very good.
If this ever gets revived, or a remake gets made, i have a few suggestions on how to improve it.
Make it an open world rythym game, you are able to craft more than one guitar that gives you stat boosts during battles, the guitars would come in various tiers from "EPIC" to "LEGENDARY" i think this would genuinely impact the enjoyment of the game and give it more replay value.
Also make the story more mature, make the characters swear all the time to show you are commited to the vision of the new direction you are steering the series to, and last but not least, UNREAL ENGINE 5. Yea you best believe it would sell TRILLIONS of copies.

Tagger's Tag is the worst fault of this game, and its a shame how frequent these are during story mode because they break the entire flow of the game.
With that said, there are some really interesting concepts and approaches to combat that i wish we could see be expanded upon on a sequel, if only SEGA didnt pull the plug on this franchise so early. Will probably add more thoughts to this review once i get all the Jet Rankings.
Pretty good.

how do people have fun with this genre

the one memory i have of this game as a kid is my mom flipping out at my dad because he showed me you could shoot strippers in this

broken pc port that does not save your game, aint got time to do the dev job and mess around with hex edit

"Acessibility" for hamburguer devs apparently is intrusively filling your screen with 5 different waypoints and cluttering your UI during gameplay at all times, the concept of "fun" to them seems to be driving from point A to point B until the designated objective™ is given to you. Weapon schematics are also bullshit and ruin anything that dead rising is about, all for the sake of an artificial sense of exploration and progression because god forbid you're allowed to be creative.

Video games are all about being a good father