Story is kinda messy but the ending saved it. 8/10
mgs1 still continues to be my favourite out of the series.

Playing ff6 was such an adventure.It has the best cast of characters out of all the ff games i've played.There's no single "protagonist" that you only care about.Instead,you get to play different sets of characters at different time intervals until the final battle where everyone kinda unites into a single team.This,i found fascinating because you really start caring for each character and watching them overcome obstacles in their own separate adventures is just so much fun.New characters get introduced from time to time and slowly we start seeing how all the characters' fates intertwine at the end.
Besides that,gameplay also improves a lot from the previous games.I like the timer thingy which makes battles more interactive and engaging.Theres just so many places to explore and secrets to unravel in this game.Also,the final boss was the best i have seen in jrpgs.
Everything considered,i do think this is my most favourite jrpg.

Finished the ezio trilogy again recently (for nostalgia purpose and to give a proper review) and to my surprise,i enjoyed the games more this time around.

Gameplay still holds up fine and i found the story to be even better than what i remembered.Part of it is because i emphasize more on story/narrative nowadays and they really did a great job on those categories.Best in the franchise imo.Also,my dumbass completely forgot how good a plot twist Assassin's Creed 2 had at the end.Good ol' me not paying much attention on the cutscenes as a kid :P

All things considered,i do think ac2 holds the no.1 spot for me (tied with black flag ofc <3)

Rarely have i felt the same way undertale made me feel.A heartwarming story which will fill you with emotions indescribable through words,backed by amazing soundtracks and characters.Gameplay is also one of a kind and i like the whole concept on DETERMINATION.All in all,a game without flaws and the perfect game in my eyes.

Its like watching a fucking movie.Cinematic cutscenes,dialogues and a great story makes it worth playing even in 2024.Yeah the gameplay shows its age,it is a 1998 game after all.However,i must say each and every boss fight was unique and super fun to beat.
solid 9/10 (no pun intended)

This was my first played turn-based strategy game and gameplay-wise it was great.I was more fascinated by the visuals and soundtracks of this game.As a kid,i found the world design to be truly exceptional.And finally,the story...It was beautiful.It touches on escapism and acceptance,unlike any game i have played yet.

Most underrated zelda game imo.On par with a link to the past.I have always had a tough time choosing between these two as my fav zelda.I do think minish cap is objectively a better zelda gameplay wise,whereas a link to the past was revolutionary and sooo many precious memories with that one <3

100+ hours spent on this game and i dont regret it one bit.Got absolutely hooked from start to finish.
I wish the game was more difficult though.So many places to explore and so much stuff to upgrade but the bosses were barely a challenge,making the latter upgrades not worth the effort.
However,i do love the freedom this game provides.solid 9/10

My first played resident evil game and i gotta say





Ada's got some thicc ass


pros: good story and great atmosphere
cons: combat,slow gameplay

Sekiro is my first played FromSoftware game and this one gets an easy 10/10 for its gameplay alone.Can't remember the last time I had so much fun playing a video game.Combat is just peak and defeating inner isshin was one of my best experiences in video games.

Phenomenal story and soundtracks
easy 10/10

Soundtracks:✔️ (one of my most fav)

Everything is there.I also find the voice acting in this game to be topnotch.Story is great but you need to invest a good amount of time to fully appreciate it.After route A,there's route B which gets repetetive real quick (the only real downside i can think of).Finally,the ending sequence of this game is super unique.Love that!