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38 mins ago

MarshSMT completed Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden is almost therapeutic once you're familiar with it and know how to play. It isn't an experience where you need to stop and think, it's all about getting into a rhythm and playing confidently. It can be incredibly frustrating to learn, but once you've got it down, few other games make you feel this bad ass. The entire thing becomes muscle memory after a while, it's like learning to ride a bike

10 hrs ago

10 hrs ago

Atromin completed 112 Operator
I only tried it because i got it from a bundle some time ago, i had more fun than i expected but it's not for me and after an in-game week of work i had enough.
My only issue is that i never had to put much tought into my actions, i just clicked the closest relevant unit and sent them to solve the problem and it worked perfectly. Prehaps it gets harder later or the modifyers make it more engaging but i'm not interested in finding out.
It doesn't look like a bad game, i feel like it might be great for it's very specific niche audience.

15 hrs ago

Rata commented on Rata's review of Guilty Gear: Strive
@goukioverload i ball harder than you ever will in your life kid

21 hrs ago

1 day ago

1 day ago

Rata commented on Rata's review of Guilty Gear: Strive
@goukioverload and you rated it 4 my man what's the point being made here

1 day ago

StardustSummons commented on persona6's list state of play 30/05/2024
nah path of exile is actually more of a response to blizzards mishandling of the diablo series. so much more than just a diablo copy cat series.

1 day ago

2 days ago

MelosHanTani commented on MelosHanTani's review of The Witness
@BeachEpisode Yeah it's something I'd love to see more. I like that its 'overworld' isn't really treated as a puzzle of its own - at least to someone starting out - it truly is just a place to wander and think about other stuff with. I bounce off a lot of puzzle games because it just ends up being me staring at the level select

2 days ago

2 days ago

kindofblue28 is now playing DraKoI

2 days ago

MelosHanTani played The Witness
Seeing Liz review this here made me remember I once played this! I wrote a really long essay on it that I don't really agree with (please don't dig it up.. or do...)

Perhaps the epitome of the 'teach the player without using words' late 00s/10s philosophy of game design - a not-bad rule of thumb that could (generously) be interpreted as 'maintain some level of clarity/consistency/ design in a way that people can figure out more complex things themselves' that was ultimately twisted into pure idiocy about NEVER USING WORDS that forgets that COMPLETELY NOT USING WORDS ONLY WORKS IF THE GAMEPLAY REALLY FITS OR YOU CAN ASSUME A PLAYER HAS LEGACY KNOWLEDGE FROM PAST GAMES. Sure it's not a bad idea to try and convey puzzle mechanics to players through the experience of using them, but then 10 years of video essays later and everyone thinks it means to make an overwrought first level that 'teaches you how to double jump without using words'. NO!!! THE PRINCIPLE MAKES SENSE IF IT'S SOME PUZZLE GAME LIKE THE WITNESS WHERE THE PUZZLE RULES MAKE INTUITIVE SENSE BUT WOULD BE CLUNKY TO STATE OUTRIGHT!!!!

But... The Witness!! Why do I like it? Why, it has a deep philosophy about the humanity of mankind... NOT!!! I like this game because the puzzles are fun to solve, they interact with the environment, and they sort of acknowledge that a fun part of puzzle solving is failing, walking away and coming back. It incorporates walking way and coming back into the environment and layout! The island is pretty and fun to walk around! The Witness level design "Bangs". I like the tactile feeling and sound design of looking at the panels and drawing the solutions. I could draw those puzzle lines for days.

Look. If I'm being honest I don't really like pure puzzle games that much. I make my little progress across the level select, inevitably get stuck and then forget about the game. My life is a Brain Teaser, I don't want to just Solve Brain Teasers. I don't want to solve middling puzzles in service of revealing some arbitrary conspiracy mystery: I just want to do some fun good puzzles and see some stuff, and this game has that. Playing this was a "Good Time".

Anyways it's time for "Analgesic Lore": did you know a super early version of Even the Ocean - honorary recipient of a 3.6 average Backloggd score rating - was supposed to be a 2D game about exploring islands with PUZZLES...? Well it was, and it never got anywhere because I just don't like puzzles that much, maybe. Then again I made Sephonie's Linking Puzzle system (ironically that game was on an island), which weren't really 'puzzles', but...

More exploration puzzlers set in 3D. Please! Do it for me!

2 days ago

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