guys im getting really worried.
the library battle simulator genre is dying, they haven't made one since library of ruina. how are we supposed to get our fix?

hold on let me add to this genius review a bit.
this is no longer a joke about the way they describe the game on storefronts. this is serious. everything i said in this review is completely sincere. it's a bit of a thing right, fans of project moon shilling to as many people as possible, but i feel i have gained an appreciation for the immense effort put in to create that kind of fan reverence and loyalty. i hope this developers future is even more bright. library of ruina and lobotomy corporation, lack of polish included, have so thoroughly captivated me.

At this point they've honestly done everything they could have with this game. They couldn't have done anything more. Thank you.

consarn it sega!!!! y'all coulda done been did so man y mo' things with thIS one. you could have puta in espio th chamelon.vector the cruncadial? srsly????? RAY THE FLGIHG SKRIL AND ROCK GUY???
they could have done so many more things and they did what they did instead. unbelievable, even though i'm forced to believe it because it happened. you fucked up for the last time, next time you won't get my money.

this is one where i can't even pretend to be satisfied. when i look at it objectively i can't help but acknowledge one simple fact. they could have done so much more. sonic is great because he does a lot of stuff and a lot of things happen to him but honestly if they did more this could have been a game of all time, instead it's just a game that we enjoy. seriously, consider the following. did they do everything they could have done with this game? no? that's the only answer btw. the answer is no, they didn't. they could have done more with it. you can't deny my words.

this right here is a game that could have done so much more than it did do.

did they even think about what they were and weren't putting in the game while putting it in the game? i didn't think they were but i also wasn't sure. the villain and the other villain are terrible honestly, and not cause they were offensive and mean they honestly should have been more mean and cruel than they already were.

i'm basically saying they didn't have enough cruelty to women children or animals and could have done so much more. maybe develop the game for four more years next time (or don't, persona 5 is even WORSE than this. don't even get me frickin' started)

this is a game i have complex feelings on.

first of all, this game could have done so much more. the things it doesn't do are a lot like the things it does do except it doesn't do them. this game honestly could have had a lot more done in it, there could have been more story and more levels. basically this game did not reach it's full potential. maybe develop your game a few more years next time? thanks?

forgot to say, this is also an important factor in my review. why did they force me to look during the ending of the game? too political...

problematic fav.
one of the ugliest dogs in gaming, one of the most beautiful farmers in gaming (right next to the farmer from chapter 1 of balan wonderworld), you can click your mouse in this game you will click your mouse in this game you must click your mouse in this game you. you should speedrun this game cause i want your wrists to fall off, fuck you. seriously fuck you. i'll fuck you. idk get an autoclicker. actually don't play this instead.

"i'm so boring :/" said the most exciting man you've ever met.

the beat drops. the squad is dripped the fuck out. daddy wasn't there. i fucked up my life beyond belief and i'm not even 30 yet. yea. it's kind of game of the year. yea their faces are weird yea the animations are funny, bad news buddy your face is weird as fuck and you animate even funnier. you dumb as fuck for this one. i'm serious about that.

ok but like, have you ever played a jrpg or a game with a premise like this and thought things like "these old fucks writing this just don't get it. this counter-culture is designed to sell me on franchises and products."

i'm talking about persona 5

anyway if you've ever felt that way check it the fuck out motherfu-

journey of man
struggle of a lifetime
success comes in many formbs but you MUST marry woman immediately.
gogogogogog fast!!!!

This review was written before the game released

i've never watched demon slayer. dunno what it's about other than the title. haven't really heard much about it either beside it being good. i'm not going to play this. but can so many people be wrong??? can a billion people saying it's awesome be wrong??? didant think so.

a massive stone tablet got dropped on georgia's head. they miraculously survived. they were then run over by a train. without georgia, they're all helpless, they will be consumed by a large bird.

sneeze tier list:
kohaku kills me
hisui kills me
i can't block miyako
shiki players are the real winners of every match they play
kouma is a problematic fav
they forgot to put saber in
roa is
where are the ciel players
im running out of dumb shit to say


this game is full of pretty things.
this game is full of pointless things.
this game delivers a powerful story.
this game delivers 80% of it's story and themes in less than an hour.
this game has a lot of content.
this game took me 30 hours.
this game has two halves, one of them is very cool.
this game has two halves, one of them is very boring.

two halves, just like omori
idk haven't played it