alright guys im gonna go get a snack

Is the act of reviewing something to pass judgment on the way you spent your time and how the experience you had made you feel? Most often, yes...Quantify an experience?.. To make the most of this dilemma or perhaps sidestep it, you could educate yourself about contemporary media and what's expected of a genre. Quantifying how much unknown genres and novel concepts improve an experience is harder since you have no frame of reference. I say shut the whole thing down, who gives a single fuck about your armchair designer thoughts on expensive nintendo games from over 20 years ago. You could make reviews about what kind of person might get something out of the thing you're discussing. But of course, what's the point of that if it invalidates the need for my very thoughtful 7.2 out of 10 score.

Ok seriously man... like Man like... Even the worst games you've played have something interesting to ruminate on, there is something of value where your bias implies none. I promise. I can't change your mind and I don't want to, but I do hope at least one person understands that they can learn to seek out the good and not throw away the things they've experienced as though it were all for nothing. What you did was not a complete waste of time until you pass that judgment onto it. You should think about these things, considering you're some dickhead who writes reviews on a website like this.

I like Leopold a lot.

if you were around and decided to play this game, like really dig into the mechanics, you had to be ready for the bare minimum for quality of life.
not just videogame qol features, but the quality of your own life.
that's right. without even regarding which game is stronger, playing a game you take seriously against a completely different game is so incredibly potent at frustrating that you will move to a sewer, set up a secret sewer base and jerk off all day every day in your sad dank little vacation home. sewer man. you'll also start writing insane backloggd reviews for a minimal audience and no tangible benefit, only a fleeting feeling of self importance. im built different though, and I'm better at puyo than all of you on this site. i don't write insane reviews.

i personally view myself with extreme disgust when i am not acting mysterious or obfuscating how i feel in some way.

you, the reader. you are just so fucking full of yourself i can hardly believe it. fuck you honestly. matter of fact fuck yourself, do us all a favour and make love to yourself.

when you're writing something that attempts to get your viewpoint or opinion about something across, it's always good to take a step back and try to take an objective view of what you actually said versus what you wanted to say. no, i don't mean objective goods vs bads with regards to the game, that's actual nonsense and you are experiencing psychosis, i'm talking about what YOU said. chances are you just wrote something so inane and stupid that any idiot can pick it apart and hit you with "what the actual fuck does that even mean?"
egg on your face honestly. my face is clean.

This review was written before the game released

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let me tell you all about love at first sight. that's right. konata. have you seen her with your eyes lately? i bet you have, you've seen her face plastered on some dirty e-girl twitter page where she sells her used panties for a killing. and i know what you did. you bought that pair of used panties and you had the night of your life, all by yourself alone in your dirty room. i actually don't care about that though. more importantly, i know what you did wrong.

you supported the bastardization of HER image. of konata's legacy. you let the whores take HER away from us. the 2000s otaku inside of you is crying, crying cartoonishly oversized tears with his face in a >~< shape at the thought of you betraying the only girl who understands you. the girl who made you feel whole. that classic, raw, unadulterated otaku culture free from the modern irony inflicted by highschool deflection and dissociation is coming back in full force, we will reclaim her image once and for all.

i do like tsukasa more though. im kinda just a sucker for girls who look really cute when they pout. idk. konata is definitely iconic but idk. idk man.

oh oh he buss in side me oh oh

you must be THIS tall to smoke. i know, very liberal height requirement, that scares you, but you'd be surprised. some people are actually shorter than klamydia.

imagine the place you grew up and still lived in today is falling apart. Even though there used to be bustling industry there, and the place wasn't falling apart back then. You only got a mildly acceptable internet service within the last few years. Nowadays the most maintained thing around is the train tracks, because it just so happens to be an important part of the railway system. But somehow, people still have their spirits up. You can walk down the street and have a conversation with somebody you haven't seen in 2 weeks, or somebody you haven't seen in 2 years, by some magic almost everybody is perfectly happy to accommodate each other. Every day your beautiful home is becoming more decrepit, less populated, and what little remains of industry continues to exploit the community. While trying to sleep one night you hear a gunshot, you don't really react, you just roll over and try to sleep again. Turns out somebody you knew made a show of blowing their brains out on their garage door, the only reaction among others in town seems to be "woah that's kinda weird". Yet despite all of this, you can't really imagine living in the city so you stay in this place where you're somehow comfortable. In some ways an existential nightmare, in some ways the place you call home.

Of course none of this is actually a review about the game, so here's a comment about the game. Possum Springs is real and there's a lot of them all over the place, they nailed it more than any other media I've seen. That's probably what I got attached to most while playing. The setting makes all the pieces of the narrative and design, that others might call disparate, fit together perfectly.

Anyway, the town you romp around in is a pretty big part of the game and I love that a lot. I don't really give a fuck about Mae or her dopey friends at all.

this shitty game is really cool. huge fan. it's like djmax if respect never happened, and also not like djmax, but also the tracklist is really hilariously stupid sometimes, but really cool othertimes. you should buy a vita for this game. those other versions probably aren't as cool or good or shit since they're not on the vita.

i'm not gonna say it's a bad game. in fact, i will say it's quite good. excellent even.

the only fatal flaw is that it's not only one of the worst games i've ever played, it actually ruined my life. and teeth.

i actually played this absolute classic back in 96 at my buddy alejandros place. it wasn't very fun.
what is important is that i actually met the love of my life, marvin mark, in the game. then i met him in real life and we've been happily married ever since.

sadly, marvin passed away in late 2019 due to an accident involving his rare limited edition PSX that he'd use to play this beaut, and a bathtub. i would do anything to have him back, i miss him so much.

hattori fr and im being serious here. take the doggy door. i am not playing with you.