strive discourse is like talking to an entire room of middle schoolers who were put on life support due to an accident at tiktok con 2021

there was a time when i could call this my favourite online game. there was a time where i felt i was actually pretty darn good at this game. there was even a time where i thought this game was pretty damn fun. i can't play that game anymore, i can now play something kinda like it that i don't like even close to as much. games as a service, we welcome you with disappointment in our hearts.

I've always had a decently strong interest for flies. They fly (hence the name), dare I say they are stupid and quite fast maybe even too fast. Also we can all relate to eachother because we all see a fly in our lifetime. You saw a fly and I, too, am seeing flies. We have more in common than you think.

As an aside I washed my windows today, and that involved picking up an occupied wasps nest and letting it go in the brush.

wow make cell shading like crp and sht lol so cinematic so futuristic

follow my backloggd for more great reviews just like this one haha

The classic tale of man's best friend, told in a new light. This is what eventually happens to all of your pets eventually, they manipulate time. Think back to your dog Squirty. This is like that, it even has a dog protagonist.


After his brief stint with bleeding all over women, Jack Skelter realized what honour truly means. "What if... I'm just in the way... What if what this game needed from the start was cute lesbians (and also pain?)". Jack's incredible foresight and foreknowledge made him take a backseat to lesbian supremacy. This not only made him more likable, it also made his game better.

Now that our guy has brought incredible change to the game industry, he's offering you a deal. Two for the price of one. Buy one Mary Skelter (Mary Skelter 2) get two Mary Skelters (Mary Skelter 1 and 2, together in one game!). Now that's a macaroni made in the oven.

Jack Skelter's quest tattles a tale as old as time itself. "Fuhihi, what if I squirted my blood all over these epic bishoujos?". Jack got his wish and became the blood guy, thanks to technological advancements in genocide, paintball, forced cultural advancement, and the Japanese military R&D department.

Now he leads a death march against creepy looking bullshit, cause girls think his blood is so sexy they can't control their sopping wet dripping when he bleeds. Take control of Jack in this epic quest but don't let mom see.

Alas, Kid Klown is going . . .

Undesired, unwanted them, What makes them go?

It is nothing else than the principle of the Klown who has the reason for being.

i really wanted to like this game, i really did.
and i fucking did. shut the fuck up.
i have survived more lockdowns than you by playing this game. moreover, you are a sad little creature. i am powerful.

Dante races through the dark mansions.
The sun races through a blue sky filled with white clouds.
The ways of his heart are much like the sun. Dante shoots and stabs; the sun rises and sets.
Don't give up on the sun. Don't make the sun laugh at you.

our pain. we have pain. the pain came for us. the pain is all mine. we share pain. is that pain in your pocket or are you just pained to see me. did you fill up your tank with pain before driving off into the sunset. how long does the pain last. will the pain ever stop. would you like pains with that.

these guys. these are the guys. the guys are here. we got the guys back. the guys are back in town. we got our guy. our guy got our hearts. we want our guy to win. we want our guy to achieve our guy's dreams of which he dreamt. what means to be our guy, he is our guy. the guy you wanna be. that guy.


right so this games cool, i don't have shit to say about it. however there is one area where I've got shit to say...

you know what sucks, you know what i really don't like, it's how incredibly different this game is to play between hour 1 and hour 10. and i don't mean in terms of player skill, i mean simply in terms of how the game functions and what it allows you to do. this game pushes you toward completion half because of your own knowledge leveling up, half because your character just becomes stronger the more you play. yes, you can beat the game from the very start with no upgrades if you know what you're doing, that's not the point. the point is, this trick is obnoxious and does not work on me. i also understand that there's a certain level of tutorialising behind this, if we don't introduce 20 mechanics at once they won't get confused... but i like getting lost in the sauce! i at least wish there were an option to start the the game with all the upgrade shit out of the way.

other roguelikes have a high tendency to make simple to control characters where the hard parts are the loads of enemy/item interactions, where your unlockables are complex new items to be added to your run. i like that hades gets to play around with a slightly less simple character, just wish i could get to the point.

basically all this is to say... damn, synthetik is so fucking cool.