I wish the symbols were easier to decipher

This is what makes Xbox Game Pass a must buy

They were like, instead of sexualizing Lara, we'll just beat the shit out of her!

So for the reboot they decided to make it more action focused than puzzle platformer. It definitely makes the game funner to play, doesn't exactly feel Tomb Raidery but probably for the better(?).
Way more polished than the last series of games.

I don't understand why they had dlc that adds ONE extra tomb that doesn't even give you anything cool (just more xp and scrap). The tomb itself isn't really cool, and its extremely bugged. Just weird.

WOW. I cannot believe how much better this game is than Legend and Anniversary. The platforming worked way more times than the other two. It still felt kind of fucked sometimes, but never enough to make me angry.
It looks impressive for when it was released.
The story is really fucking cool, I love how it draws in shit from Legend AND Anniversary for a cool conclusion.
The only problem I have is like how the first level is just blatant "Hey look at Lara's ass and feet while she swims around." It is cool how you can choose outfits that have more layers.

They made this game even more bullshit than Legend, but I was accepting of it. I accepted them not really teaching me how the dodge mechanic worked, brute forcing my way through the first boss. I accepted the platforming being kind of more demanding. I accepted that I had to use a guide because I was lost constantly.
This all changes once you get to the last levels. I did the first one fine, but the second one? Oh no fuck that. They make you do a bunch of timed platforming with extremely tight windows for success, way too tight for me to even be passable. And on top of that, they throw flying enemies that have huge AOE knockback explosions that can send you off an edge and restart that section. In fact, every enemy of that type has these explosions, including the final boss. These don't really do a lot of damage, but the knockback is insane AND CAN STUN LOCK YOU.
I resorted to finding save files online and then loading them whenever there was something I didnt want to do (basically the rest of the platforming in these last 2 levels)

This has been my Tomb Raider: Anniversary rant.

This game would be a lot better if it worked. I assume its just the PC port is buggy as hell, but i also just think a lot of mechanics and toys it has just dont work (just makes me go "wow 7th gen huh").
The ending goes kind of crazy though.

I know this game gets cool at some point, but fuck it just feels bad or awkward or something, i definitely dont want to keep feeling whatever it is

This game has a Punching Skill Line, and lets you romance a 40(?) year old German woman, thats just baseline good.

This could have been a game, but its just a hallway simulator half the time, and a the other half is naboo. Game is brain dead easy so thats cool.

Its also really funny they don't mention anakin at all, then the last cutscene just has this short little freakazoid in the corner and you are like "what the fuck is that."


The problem with this game is just that its old yugioh, so all your starting cards are just boring normal monsters and you can't do any fun deck building. They should just give you the yugi starter deck or something. There also isn't a real campaign to this, its just fight AI and get cards. The best thing is every monster has a 3D model though and thats honestly super fucking cool.

Pretty alright arcade challenges with a neat aesthetic.