Each Mario Kart has that one defining trait that makes it stand out amongst the others. In the case of this one, it's the funny bee character.

I love that the developers created this world of advanced technology and cybernetic body parts and then they just make the characters use flip phones for no reason lol

I made a previous review where I talked about how sad it is when the Pikmin die, and it's true, but I also wanna eat them

This did everything a Resident Evil 4 remake should:
triple the amount of funny Leon Kennedy one-liners

The one fighting game that manages the best to be equally enjoyable and accessible to both casual and hardcore players while ALSO being a 100% mechanically well-balanced and satisfying experience in the process. This rocks, my favorite Street Fighter and fighting game in a long time. So layered and full of detail and character in every aspect of it.

Turns out this game is great when you stop following youtuber opinions lol

Would love to give this game 5 stars because about 75% of it is flawless, but damn, even playing it through Sonic Origins with infinite lives, the final stages really frustrated me. Still a great game though, one of the Sonic games that understands the most how to reward exploration. Felt joyful to rediscover this game, even with all the shit in it.

Replayed this through Sonic Origins and it's so obvious how much this game benefits from actually having options of speed of your own, like Marble Zone is actually half decent when you're able to test your platforming abilities and try to outdo parts of the level with the help of the Spin Dash and Drop Dash. It baffles me how little the original game does for creating - *ahem* warning for cursed word - momentum when that is the main appeal of the gameplay, and playing it with the new added speed abilities make it very clear how this game feels more like pure groundwork for the rest of the series, rather than a really unique or great platformer that stands out from the rest. In concept, this game only stands out on paper and on very few specific moments in the game (everybody and their mother has already said how Green Hill is the only level that does this game any service and the one that singlehandedly makes this game rise up from being just a simply mediocre platformer). Sonic doesn't have to be fast all the time, of course I appreciate when things slow down a bit, but the levels in this game in particular always feel like at every opportunity where you feel like you're finally gonna go fast and be rewarded for it, the game stops you with either an idea for a speed-focused set piece that feels half-baked and ends up in an unsatisfying note, or just some plain odd design decision - and it also doesn't help that half of the levels are cramped and don't leave any sort of room for the mechanics themselves to breathe and give the game a bit more life.

It's still a decent game that is carried pretty hard by the sheer charm that it carries on its sleeves through its looks and iconic music and sound design - which were impressive for the time and are still great nowadays - and I enjoyed replaying it in this upgraded version. And like... it's the first game, I have to cut it some slack because most franchises do tend to struggle to find their identity until a few entries in. But after playing it this time, I do definitively think this game isn't actually all that great and feels more like an iconic relic of the past rather than something everybody should play nowadays. I can respect it, but it's not a Sonic game I always look forward to revisiting and it's definitely not a Sonic game I would recommend to newcomers, even if it is the one that got me into the series in the first place.

that feeling when the weakest levels originated from the genesis trilogy and the best levels originated from sonic 06 and unleashed

lo-fi hip-hop beats to fish/relax to

Would be the greatest video game of all time if it wasn't on the DS

This uhhhhhh sure is a game

You play this with the kid named finger