479 Reviews liked by StonkoRocko

A creeper blew up my home fuck this game lol, Im gonna to taco bell need some tacos

my nutsack will be on the ledge and faith will still refuse to catch it

They who consider this the superior version possess eyes and little else.



Starting from the oppresive and cold facilities of Mars before everything takes clear form as the body horror-esque nightmares of hell paints the walls and floors that we navigate, it's the ultimate power fantasy.
Not only a great actioner, but also very uncomfortable in its progression and occacionally anxious when it gets closer to the horror of the concept. Looking at the lamented souls and visceras of our fallen allies complemented with the carnage that we produce creates a sort of unpleasantness that (intentional or not) tells us the kind of character we are making in the process. We are as much fighting evil as we are becoming one with it. And wether by lack of vision (the darkness in some sections of "The Shores of Hell" that channel Ridley Scott's Alien) or the direct result of faicing flesh and metal as one manifestation of the militaristic desire of being the savior of the universe, one thing is clear to me: the demented face of Doomguy pleased after finding another powerful weapon is my sleep paralysis demon.

This is the VR game that made me sweat the most

It's fun in short bursts but it really suffers from not having an automap and even the weakest mooks can do crazy damage if you're not careful

My first experience with Wolfenstein, there's enough to admire to make this an enjoyable. The fast-paced gameplay and the humorous nature help keep the game fun and enjoyable throughout its six chapters. Some of the repetition in the environments and the obnoxious level design can make this frustrating, along with annoying instances of the "open door/push" button not working well. It provides frustration at times, but it's a neat relic that still offers fun to this day.

newgrounds is the reddit of videogames

At this point, I've accepted that this cliffhanger will never be resolved, and even if it was resolved, it'll never live up to expectations. Still a great series while it lasted.

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The niche sub-genre of games where you explore fake operating systems is something I have a pretty big soft spot for. When they also eventually break the fourth wall it's easy for me to love them. Pony Island does that almost flawlessly.

In Pony Island you find yourself exploring a glitch-ridden arcade machine and as you delve deeper into the files and the actual game itself you uncover more and more sinister elements behind the purposefully cutesy title. The mix of exploring a fake OS with clever hacking puzzles and simple but tricky platforming segments makes for pretty varied gameplay experience. The game keeps coming up with very clever surprises to keep you engaged and you never quite know what's coming next. Eventually, it may even overcome the border between the fake arcade machine and your own PC.
Even though I expected this to be a game of that kind it still got me pretty good at points. There was one particular moment that honestly kinda blew my mind in how effective it was: One of the antagonists challenges you to pay attention to what he says and act accordingly. It's very simple. However, it uses very clever ways to mess with you and get you distracted. At one point it asks you to answer a simple question. No problem. I type in my answer and hit enter. Shortly after I suddenly get Steam messages from a friend of mine. He mocks my answer and starts joking. I'm confused because I didn't know he was watching me play. When I finally realize it's just the game messing with me I already missed the next question from the in-game character. I was impressed by how seamless it was. It looked and sounded absolutely real and the fact that they managed to pull in a real-life friend of mine to trick me is just genius.

I finished the story in about two hours but this seems to be one of those games that have a lot of secrets hidden around so there is a lot of potentials to explore and really go deep. However thorough you want to be, you'll gonna have a pretty unique time, I think. It's successfully bringing the power of Psycho Mantis onto modern technology while telling a pretty captivating story.
This is one of those games that really make me wanna look up the developer and see what other projects they worked on.

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The fake steam messages during that one part was the best part of the game.

i remember hating this game because it was too realistic and I know for a fact my nintendogs are fucking dead

Xen was too short now it's too long