76 Reviews liked by Suzuka

UAU... a frase "every frame a painting" se encaixa perfeitamente nesse jogo. Que direção de arte absurda!

Há um avanço significativo na gameplay, que era o ponto mais fraco do primeiro. Mas o jogo continua um pouco truncado nesse sentido, porém de certa forma isso se interliga com a narrativa.

A história é uma bela de uma tragédia (no bom sentido), sempre tem acontecimentos que vão manter a atenção do jogador e a ansiedade para saber mais. Pra mim, é a melhor narrativa do ano, e se não receber indicações por isso e por suas atuações, é pq as premiações estão compradas! kkkkkk

Os personagens estão melhor construídos, e o impacto dos acontecimentos parece afetá-los de verdade (a excelente atuação de voz ajuda nisso).

É um jogo emocionante, muito bonito e com uma narrativa instigante. Quero mais.

A super fun and interesting game. Like The Stanley Parable with physics (and physics-bending) puzzles. The various narrators you have along the way keep things interesting, and some of the puzzles are pretty obtuse but not so difficult as to be frustrating. I don't know if any game (outside of old school point and click adventures lol) has ever forced me to think so far outside the box

Surprised I haven't heard more people talk about this game.

This game looks amazing and I thought the look into mental health was done very well. Only issue for me is there isn't much to the gameplay but as a whole this a very unique story driven experience.

Townscaper will probably be one of the easiest games you ever had to 100% in achievement hunting, and in a way gives away just how relaxing the game can be.

Pressing a button to add or remove building structures is all the gameplay Townscaper needed; with other controls used to move around the area to see how big your town is. Adjusting sizes of houses, adding more floors, and removing them to make a new type of structure. There really is no narrative to this nor a goal to really achieve. You can put as much or as little as you want to the game, and for a pricing point that would be a little upsetting, but as an extra game with a service or gotten on the cheap it certainly fulfills a nice evening or two.

Mainly this game is simple, and it suffers from any engagement of interest because of that. If there was more options on how to build structures, more life to towns, or even neat little scenarios, you'd have another addictive sim builder game. Sadly, as Townscaper stands, it's really just a neat thing to play for a little bit and move on, and honestly sometimes that's all you really need.

I know people like me are silly little suckers for short little aesthetic games like this, but I truly believe that like 95% of all games out there could improve by studying the perfect little capsule of joy that this game was.

Hellblade is the kind of game that makes you appreciate games as a form of art. While it's combat isn't amazing, the rest of the game is sublime and its depiction of psychosis deserves all the praise it gets. For a short narrative driven game it really delivers.

Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice
Developed by: Ninja Theory
Published by: Ninja Theory

Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice is an experience, a one of a kind experience. I thoroughly enjoyed my time playing Hellblade: Sensua’s Sacrifice despite feeling uncomfortable, and unsettled the entire time. This is a game that is carried by a strong narrative, incredible graphics and unparalleled sound design. The combat in Senua’s Sacrifice is intense but simple, but also incredibly satisfying.

Hellblade on the surface is a story of a Picts warrior named Sensua who embarks on a journey to Heilheim to save her loved ones soul. On the surface is the key part of the previous sentence if you didn’t pick up on that. This game is about so much more than that. It’s an examination of psychosis, how it can effect someone and the people around them. Hellblade will be too much for some people to handle. If you’re someone that deals with psychosis or a mental illness I’d recommend consulting your psychologist or psychiatrist before playing this game or at least doing a bit more research on what to expect.

Hellblade is going to stick with me for a while. I’m glad I finally gave it a shot after hearing about it for years. This game is an experience as I said at the beginning of my review. I highly recommend it at the end of the day.

The narrative
Sound design
Graphics and the art design

A pretty linear game without a lot of exploration
Lack of variety when it comes to enemies (if that’s important to you)

Played on: Xbox Series X via Xbox Game Pass
Review score: 4/5

"Explorar" é o meu verbo favorito nos games, e Dishonored 2 atingiu a perfeição nesse quesito.

A qualidade em que a Arkane está em level design é algo que a indústria não conseguiu acompanhar ainda. O que esse jogo faz com cada fase é o que me faz ficar encantado por Immersive Sims.

Dishonored 2 consegue um desenvolvimento de personagem e uma história mais interessante que o primeiro. Evolui também em relação à narrativa ambiental, agora a história é melhor contada pela direção de arte e cenários. Dishonored 2 me fez ler documento por documento com atenção, pois a trama política é muito boa!

Os poderes também são mais aproveitáveis, ainda me senti um pouco limitado, mas é uma evolução notável.

Masterpiece, um dos jogos da minha vida definitivamente!

There isn't actually much to talk about with this game.
Puzzles are okay, GLaDOS isn't snarky enough, and I am so glad I don't get motion sickness.

Score: 7+

this game explores and conveys the sense of dread in some ways i really wasnt expecting going from chill little puzzle games in a aseptic white room with no environmental sounds or music or any real danger to full on great escape with industrial noises rooms and rooms of machinery and music expanding on the whole frenetic situation


Strong game. Wasn't a fan of the original but the sequel improves on the game dramatically, where the metroidvania and digging elements marry together to create this pretty relaxing, wanderous experience where delving into the mines and poking its crevices was...nice. And in addition to that, the game also packs itself with neat upgrades and equipment, including!, a really good grappling hook. Dorothy's loadout is pretty powerful and fun to use, they did a good job of just making moving around and punching dirt to be as good as it could be. The challenge rooms littered throughout also helps you make the most out of them, especially the end game hell dungeon. Also, shoutout to the OST for this game and having probably the best town theme I've ever heard.

Overall, it's ROCK solid. Some easy slouch day entertainment with an even amount of challenge to keep you arching your back every now and again.

This review contains spoilers

SteamWorld Dig 2 is a very solid Metroidvania experience. After having played the first SteamWorld Dig to completion (not 100%) about three years ago and finding it good, it was cool to see how this sequel reiterates and improves upon everything established in that game. The core is still pretty much the same, but it is expanded through great additions. This game took me three days of constant play to beat.

Upgrading your character (this time its Dorothy McCrank instead of Rusty) feels more satisfying than ever, it has that classic Metroidvania quality of feeling underwhelming and simple at first but really blossoming later on. I was surprised by just how many upgrades and new equipment you get throughout the game; sure, some of them return from the first game, but there are some that are completely new. My only real complaint about the progression in SteamWorld Dig 2 is that the whole leveling system felt rather pointless to me. Everything you can upgrade is already walled off through the money you get from selling the ore you collect on your journey, which felt like quite a natural path of progression to me, so I see no need for blocking things further through the level system. Whenever I had enough in-game cash to buy the upgrades I wanted, I was high enough level for it anyway. Also, I never felt any stronger or more efficient from leveling; the game would tell me my stats improved or something, but I couldn't tell the difference.

The level design of SteamWorld Dig 2 is wonderfully cohesive. I have a bad tendency of getting lost and frustrated with not knowing where to go or how to solve a puzzle in games, but that didn't happen to me a single time here. I don't know how to explain it in better terms, its just that the design of the game made it to where finding secrets and figuring out puzzles felt very intuitive, yet still complex enough to make me think about how to do it. I managed to find more than half of the Artifacts in the game, which made me feel quite accomplished since typically I'm not good at hunting down secret collectibles.

SteamWorld Dig 2 feels nice to play, as well. The controls are solid. Dorothy gets upgrades later on - a jetpack and a grappling hook - that made movement a lot of fun for me. I don't have a lot to say about that, but I figured I'd make a short paragraph praising this since "game feel" is a very important aspect of making a game enjoyable.

I will say, the story was not very gripping to me. It has a strange way of seeming like its trying to be more engaging than it actually is, there's some narrative but it didn't really hit for me. At the end, some cool plot-points were being built up and hinted at, but just ended up not being true for what only felt like it happened for the sake of a plot twist. One thing I like is that we learn that the Shiners (zombie people basically) from the last game are actually sentient and Dorothy befriends them. That was pretty cool, but I feel this should have been a little more developed considering Rusty was killing these guys in the last game. This is a big reason why the twist ending, where the leader of the Shiners that has been helping you was actually the villain using you for their master plan all along, falls flat for me. Why even pretend like they were good folk in the first place when the last game didn't do that? I did not see any signs that the Shiner leader was evil, though its possible I just missed some. Also, the game often hints that Rusty was the villain, since there's even an entire cult that worships him, yet Rusty isn't evil at all and he only shows up at the very end when its revealed he's just being used as a living battery for the real villain's big mech. I don't know, the plot twists just fell flat for me. That's not too big a deal since I don't expect some sweeping narrative from these games, but I do find it a little disappointing since this game tried to put more emphasis on story.

The visuals and soundtrack of SteamWorld Dig 2 are great. Although the music isn't something I would listen to outside of the game, in the game it works well to establish atmosphere. This game's art style looks REALLY nice, I don't know how to describe it. It sort of looks like watercolor paintings to me, if I had to compare it to anything. The visual flair of SteamWorld Dig 2 is a huge improvement over the first game in my opinion.

Overall, SteamWorld Dig 2 is a great game. It has flaws (what game doesn't?) but the positives far outweigh them. SteamWorld Dig 2 gets a solid 4 stars from me.



The game looks great and it's cute but I didn't really enjoy it all that much. The platforming isn't fun to do because of the lack of a free jump button. I imagine the game would have broken apart if there was so I don't blame the developers but the designated jump spots just don't feel great. The puzzles aren't anything to write home about with some feeling way too basic and others basically just coming down to pixel hunting. I found myself not caring at all about the world or the characters. It was ok for a playthrough on PS+ Extra but I'm glad I didn't pay for it.



My boyfriend and I played this game together expecting a silly little game where you play as a cat, and get to do cat things. 15 minutes later we were thrust into a post-apocalyptic hellscape and forced to run away from headcrabs while fulfilling monotonous fetch quests. Eventually we got a "gun" and were introduced to the worst combat system in the world. Our playthrough ended when a robot spent a half hour twisting a hatch open, which bluescreened his computer.

As much as I appreciate the game for being revolutionary, in 2022, it’s just not fun. I’ve been spoiled on the big twist, the gameplay is boring, and it has some of the worst controls I’ve ever seen. 2/10 just for a little respect