Guys, guys, guys…
It has all the dlc
What’s not to love
110% baby
God home is next to impossible


Really like what the game was having to say, it is perfect in its mechanics and it’s narrative, only problem, I can’t recommend it to anyone because of the nature of the narrative.

i cryed
so hard
and i loved it

Blue lions, baby
After 5 consecutive episodes of a podcast did nothing but talk about this game, I finally drank the kool-aid. I heard of Fire emblem but never thought much of them. I was convinced the game was not for me and that I would bounce off of the game hard. But when I found myself sitting in my basement starring at my Tv for 50 minutes trying to figure out what would be the best lesson to teach my class. My worst fear came true, I loved this game. I was waist deep in the kool-aid and I could put this game down. The writing is impeccable and the characters are clearly the strong suit. The story is amazing and I lived every minute of this game. I played all the routs and did new game plus so much that I recruited every single person from every other house. I live this game sooooo much. Only problem, sometimes the combat is impossible. But, if you like a story in your games, this is a must play.
Blue lions

i saw no devils, and none of them were crying

Can anyone respond to this and let me know where I can “legally” play this. This game is impossible to find or is crazy expensive, so please let me know a vary legal way to play this

I need you to understand. They gave us a rouge-like mode, lost levels that were cut from the game, developer commentary, and some graphical and FPS improvements, all on top of a already AMAZING game, just for $10.
This game, is my favorite of all time, and it will be, for a vary very long time.

This was the first ever game I beat. Like legitimately from start to finish, understanding the story and everything, and what a first game it was. From the opening to the presentation, I love every little bit of this game. I think a little bit of a hot take, but I actually like the “boss fights” in this game.
So I revisited it now to see what my thoughts are after I have more of an appreciation for the medium in general. I’ll try not to make this too much of a nostalgia trip, but this game mean so much to me.

Holy ***. What an amazing soundtrack. Perfect for studying and amazing vibes. Every song is appropriate for the setting and mood. The composer, I think, is a genius.

I think this really works. It’s an amazing metroidvania with beautiful settings and the smoothes animations I’ve ever seen. Moving around in this game feels so good and fluid. The pacing of abilities was great and made you feel powerful, but still left you wanting more. I know people have gripes with the combat, saying it’s too simple. I adore this combat. It’s not the focus for sure, and it does just feel like a place holder, but that’s not why I’m here. The “boss fights” are an interesting thing. The game has a combat system, but the boss fights are, “the environment is getting f*
*ed and you need to split.” You just run. Light spoilers, but the first boss fight is a location is being flooded with water and you need to get out as fast as you can, and that’s with all 3 of the “bosses” I know people bump up against that, but I ABSOLUTELY love that about the game. I think it’s an interesting take on the formula and super tense. The flooding tree will always be ingrained in my mind forever.

I’ll just point out the ones I have a conversation about.
wall climb is useful, but feels a little awkward.
Dash is the radest **** ever. It’s so satisfying down to the sound it makes. I use it so much just because it feels so dang good it rocket off enemies.
Double jump is so valuable. Again, everything the game does is so satisfying.
The ground pound makes you feel like a powerhouse every time you used it.
The feather is a plot point so not a lot of great uses there, but still feels good to glide everywhere.
Wall climb is kinda forgettable. By the time I got it, I was so used to doing the wall jump that I just never used the wall climb unless I was using the next ability.
game. You cling onto a wall then you point the character away from it, then you launch off the wall with incredible power. This also works on the ground to launch in the air.
The ability’s are the bread and butter of this game in my opinion. I just can’t get over all of this game.

I got so emotional at the end of the game. The story’s nothing huge, but if you’re invested, it is all worth it. This was the game the woke me up and I was like, “whoa! Games can be this?!”

The art is the best. I feel like I’m playing a landscape painting. The settings in this game are amazing and unforgettable. I love them all EXCEPT FOR THE FREAKING MISTY WOODS PLACE. SCREW THAT PLACE! But other then that, this is one of my favorite worlds.

All in all, this game rocks. Moon studios is amazing and I super can’t wait for No rest for the wicked to come out.

2023 game of the year. I’m so sorry for everyone else but I loved this game. The gameplay is so satisfying and fun. Weirdly strategic. I know everyone dunks on the writing but that didn’t really bother me. Slight spoiler, but when the two alchemists entered the story, chefs kiss
Loved that whole dynamic. I found the story really good and compelling. The game is beautiful and I couldn’t stop gasping. I loved the boss fights and the final boss was really cool. Overall, I’m the top 15 favorite of all time and game of the year 2023

I have no idea. It was like reading a book. The plot was bull, and the pacing was atrocious. But it was really fun to read. And I don’t know what to do with that information

This is not my favorite game, but I believe that this is the best game. hear me out.

It’s everything a game should be. The puzzles are fun and creative and don’t overstay it’s welcome. The writing is AMAZING and one of the funniest things you will ever hear. The story is simple to follow, short and nice, and it’s compelling too. The atmosphere is creepy in a “cool” way and the characters are so fleshed out it feels timeless. It’s perfect.
(But not my favorite)

As a huge Metroid fan post Dread I would say that this is the best one. The mechanics are fun and fluent, the progression is natural and lively, and it is so fun. The shining star of this game is the boss fights. The final boss is so worth it and is thrilling. I implore everyone to play this game, if nothing more then the boss fights.

One of the best games I’ve ever played. I spent $60 on this $25 game because I wanted to throw as much of my money at this IP as I could. Almost everything about it is perfect. The music, the gameplay, the story, and even the way that the story was told. Definitely in the top 15. Would recommend to everybody.

The story started out amazing. I loved every second of it. Then, it got a little slow. But then, it picked up big time. But the ending was kinda disappointing and anti climatic. The gameplay was very fun at first, but it was very uneven later on. I only used the bow and nothing else, and the game was too easy for me but I was on hard mode. None of the side quests were appealing for me, I did none of them. All in all, the is was a GREAT game that dropped the ball and turned into a ok game. But definitely a shot checking out.

I am a huge halo fan, and in my opinion, this is the best halo game, and it’s my favorite. The story is compelling and amazing. That gameplay is satisfying and really fun. Legendary mode is hard but doable. The art and set-pieces are phenomenal and the pacing of the game is magnificent. As a prequel game it pays off so well and don’t listen to the people who say “it doesn’t have master chief so it sucks.” This game is in my top 5 of favorite games of all time. Everyone, go play it.