"I am Artorias, the coolest knight in all of Lordran—I also have a wolf!"

—Artorias, the coolest knight in all of Lordran, who also happens to have a wolf.

Someone should tell Miyazaki not every single boss needs to be Malenia. Getting stunlocked to death while trying to cast a basic spell gets boring pretty quickly.

Amazing worldbuilding, lore, and soundtrack, tho. As always.

Fuck this game and it's Wattpad fanfic-tier meta bullshit. They ruined Aerith's death.

>imagine being a Silent Hill fan and having to wait for an entire decade for another game, just to get this POS

Yeah... gfy, Konami.

FINAL FANTASY VII: The Kingdom Hearts-esque, Wattpad-tier fanfic, with shallow meta commentary about the fandom and its expectations.

This is worse than Dirge of Cerberus.

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That buildup throughout 2 games, and Kiryu doesn't meet with Haruka again on camera...

The pc version is a complete joke. How Konami wasn't sued for releasing this in such a broken state, like CDPR was with CP2077 (just to name an example), is beyond me.


Game sucks, I go to bed.

The only thing I really remember from this game, is grabbing that Moogle at the start of the game, and throwing it away for an hour straight.

Good times. :')

>be Team Ninja
>make Big Tiddy Fighting Game 6
>try to censor it just to appeal to EVO
>insult your consumers by calling them immature coomers, just for wanting to see big tiddies in their horny anime girl game
>get immediately banned from EVO and esports altogether

Game's fun, tho. It's a shame it killed the series.