29 Reviews liked by TheAlvinFlang


I’m just kinda confused honestly, I played this game for most of the day and uh, yeah I don’t know what to even say about this game, it’s not horrible I guess but like many NES games it’s aged horrendously, combat is just not fun

I haven’t completed this game yet, and I just have no desire to really complete it right now, idk if it’s this game or my desire to play every other game in the series again, but this game just isn’t interesting me

I won’t rate it now obviously since I haven’t fully beaten it, my score right now would probably be like a low 5/10, that could change when I eventually play more but like, this game is just rough man.


Next game is a link to the past, I have actually played this one before but it’s been quite some time, though I do remember absolutely adoring the game so hopefully I’ll feel the same now

I beat this game twice (once on casual, and again on hard)

I gotta play more games in this franchise man

I must be a crazy motherfucker cause I actually liked the island part of the game more than the castle part

Edit: also I’ll probably take a break from this series for the moment, don’t want to experience fatigue with it.

The more nemesis “evolved” in this game, the worse the overall game got

It’s somehow both a horrifying teeth chattering piece of art while also being an unintentional comedic masterpiece

This game absolutely shivered me timbers all the way

Decided to play this for its 5th anniversary

Crazy how a game can fail at literally everything it tries to do.

Ragnarok replay finished

And now, I’m finally coming for you Thor and Odin

TO RAGNAROK……………in a few more days

Before playing Metal Gear Solid 3, there were only 2 pieces of media that I’ve seen throughout my life that made me tear up

After Metal Gear Solid 3, there are now 3 pieces of media……………

Going through the naked arsenal gear section was something else at 1:00 AM

I said it in my review of the first game, and I’ll say it again here

All the shit talking I have said to this game throughout these past two years………….I take all of it back

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I swear Samus is a walking Death Star

All the bad stuff I’ve said about this game in the past year

I take it all back