Best 2D Mario and it ain't even anywhere close.

There's a point in time where you simply need to stop convincing yourself that you're actually having fun. Once I was at the final level, it really started to dawn on me: this game is completely ridiculous. While watching a walkthrough just to see how to get through this last level, I see someone comment that this game is "difficult but fair." Now that is some BS if I ever smelt it. If this game was fair, you'd have a lot more mobility, ways to evade attacks. Ways to defend yourself. You simply don't have that. All Mega Man has is a crappy jump and some weapons that are inconsistent. There's like I think 3 that actually are helpful.

So yeah eventually, I just shelved this. I really don't have too much left but the nail in the coffin was that I tried out Mega Man 2. And holy crap. The level of improvement is beyond bewildering. Should be uphill from here.

But yeah, I still don't get the appeal of the NES in a modern context lol

It's like... I really am Batman. I am....... Batman.



This game is hard as balls, but in the fair way. The way that actually grabs your attention and compels you to stick through it. The level design is peak and the game looks gorgeous otherwise as well. Donkey Kong Country just works a lot better for me than 2D Mario, it's not even a competition. I love the Wii game, but this is definitely a significant step up in many ways, particularly the controls and visuals.

It's ludicrous that this still costs 60 bucks tho.

Enough to get me sold on this series, but definitely clear that the next few sequels are going to be a good bit better. The level design is my big issue here, felt kind of repetitive. A lot of hallways that feels the same, a lot of fights that feels the same. I've played shooters that are way more unique in their level design, and I've found that this is a key element to make them engaging. Because otherwise, some parts just feel monotonous.

Still the core gameplay is very fun, makes me want to try some multiplayer for this. I liked the game more than enough to complete it and would say it does way more right than wrong. Completing this just makes incredibly hyped for 2, 3 and Reach, which all should be awesome.

This was a nostalgic game for me in my childhood. I would play this on my cousins' GameCube at a time where I was terrible at video games, so I would never really get far. Don't think I ever actually got to the blue Pikmin on my GameCube playtime. I've always wanted to beat it but haven't been able to.

When I saw they were selling it on the eShop alongside 2 which I haven't played at all, I immediately jumped at it. Finally beat it and I must say, this is one hell of a great game. I like how different it is from 3 and what I've now played of 2. The stakes are always different in each game. To me, the flat 30 day deadline makes this the most intense game of the series. I like some of the mechanics better in the other 2 and this will probably end up being my least favorite of the series, but I still think it's phenomenal. Especially through its weird amount of tension. Truly one of Nintendo's best series and I hope it finally gets its due, because they sure are treating Pikmin 4 like an event and I love it.

Genuinely lost for words but this was definitely the best Zelda game I've played, yet also perhaps one of best games I've ever played? I didn't think they would be able to top BOTW like this but they did. Somehow, someway, they did.

It was boring as hell and I have Tears of the Kingdom now, no need to finish this.

Thank you roommates for letting me borrow this tho. I at least tried to beat it 🤷

Link to the Past was phenomenal, but this was another level.

I almost thought that this would be a remake of sorts, but there's so much more going on that it's far from that. Basically everything you found in A Link to the Past is still present, but built on. The painting gimmick is really cool and provides for some of my favorite puzzles in the series. The rental system was what I was most worried about, but it was implemented in just about the best way it could've been. It's there if you want to adhere to it, but non-intrusive in that you can always buy the equipment you need. And let's not forget, the freedom of this game. They truly let you tackle the dungeons in any order you want unlike the other top-down Zelda games I've played. And while there are some orders that may benefit you more, the game never restricts you to adhere to any of those. It's freedom that made Breath of the Wild as fun as it was.

This is currently (very much bound to change) my second favorite Zelda game and has now become my favorite 3DS game. I am so glad I bought this at the last second before the eShop closed because I had no idea what I was missing. I was not that interested in this game. But here we are now, having beaten it, I can say I loved every second.

They really had me thinking this one was going to be bland for a second there. But then you get the master sword and the whole thing flips itself on its head. Incredible game.

Liked this one a lot. Not perfect, as the kinstones ultimately feel kind of pointless near the end and the game may slightly overstay its welcome, but it's a very fun and beautiful game that I do recommend. An underrated one for sure, and one that grabbed my attention quickly and mostly held it for the rest of the game's length. Look forward to beating even more Zeldas before Tears of the Kingdom.

Probably my least favorite of the mainline Metroids I've played completely but that's not to knock this game, because it's great. Just frustrating at some points. The game is beautiful however and the controls are mostly solid. I loved this game regardless of its quirks. I do recommend, tho I recommend Super, Samus Returns, and especially Dread much more.

Phenomenal game. Not perfect, but one of the most fun experiences I've had with a game in a while. The concept is utilized incredibly well, timeloops should be utilized in games more. The freedom it gives you is probably my favorite part, you can approach the game practically any way you want and do any mission in any order. And it all flows so well, with some of the best shooter mechanics I've experienced in gaming.

Really want to check out some more of what Arcane has done now. Loved this game to pieces.