If you only play one Final Fantasy Game in your life, make this it.

This game is propably better than a 1/10 but I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really
really really really really really really really really really
really really really really really really really really really
really really really really really really really really really
really really really really really really really really really
really really really really really really really really really
really really really really really really really really really
really really really really really really really really really

Fuck. this. shit.

This is the single most disappointing video game sequels of all time and makes complete stinkers like "Lightning Returns" seem like goddamn masterpieces in comparison.

This was an out of nowhere death blow for one of the most promising RPG Series of all time and what should have been an all time great series.

And it's not. Because of this thing.

... I will forever hate this pile of trash with seething passion.

You can slander Shadow of the colossus all you like for its endless pathfinding, clunky controls, awkward camera, but the fact is:

Shadow of the Colossus is still a one of a kind experience. And you know it.
A truly special video game that feels so different from anything else I have played before it. Or since for that matter. That sombre, almost tragic atmosphere is just something else.

No game feels quite like Shadow of the Colossus.

A remarkable achievement in daring vision and creativity.

This game utterly obliterates every single other piece of Star Wars media that ever got released ever.

Now, I don't know if that's actually a high bar (propably not at this point), but beyond that, this is is also the single best licensed game of all time and, even disregarding the entire context, this is still simply one of the best RPGs I have ever played.

It could have been made without a license and called "Space Explorer: Armageddon" and it would be fucking brillant nonetheless.

Kill me.

Edit: I have finally finished the game. Now please kill me. Again.

I have heard that this game is better than sex and indeed, it actually is.

This is basically an anime movie that you get to play. Yeah, it is a gigantic QTE fest, but the (miniscule) gameplay besides that is actually really involving and I always couldn't help but love this game for going berserk like it does with absolutely zero limits and boundary as well as a complete disregard for human safety.

That's how far they slam the accelerator pedal through the floor and into the ground itself.

It would make the Fast & Furious Movies blush.

... honestly this game is so fucking insane.

I love it.

Also there are some great references in it too.

The humor is really forced and cringe and the gameplay gets old really really fast.

The very cool introduction and the great mobility make traversing the city interesting at first, but that quickly wears off, and then it gets stale pretty damn fast.

The weapons are.. not bad, they are creative and complement the tone of the game really well, but except for the magnum none of them pack any punch, so they don't feel good to use at all.

If you're into sandbox games, there might be enough here for you, but it simply was not enough to keep me playing all the way to the credits.

This game is so fucked up.

It has great ideas, but the design flaws are so horrible that it's downright unplayable.

It's so bad that I wanted to poison myself 20 minutes in.

The incompetence on display here is actually astonishing, which is why I downgraded this game from a 2/10 to a 1/10.

... this ...you know... I... No... How... I mean... let's...
... Jesus Christ, forget it. I simply have no words for it. This painful exercise in mediocrity could have been an all time classic, but it's just not and that is so. fucking. sad.

This is the most boring video game of all time.

This is peak platforming, the final evolution of the genre.

No, there is nothing more to say about it.

It's boring. So boring. It bores you to tears.

The game looks and sounds beautiful,
but the gameplay is just too slow and the metroidvania-elements
are unchallenging and tedious, making the entire experience a massive
chore to play through. And I did play through. But only because I had nothing
better to do and I thought, you played three hours of this now, might as well finish it.
If 'Metroidvania' is selling point enough for you, then feel free to hand over your
money, but keep in mind that this is the most hollow and generic metroidvania you could
possibly find.

My expectations for you were low, but holy fuck!