I wanted to enjoy this so bad, but the controls completely ruined this experience for me. I have beaten sekiro, elden ring, hollow knight (including the hall of gods), and I felt more anger and frustration towards this game than any of those by the time I was done with it, purely because of the controls.

My wedding: 🚶
Elden ring dlc release date: 🕴️🕺

This was tough to rate. The gameplay and graphics are obviously better than the first, but that whole narrative is a mess.

Pray for me guys, I played it on PS4 on release 🙏😔

I beat Isshin sword saint hitless so yeah, I'm just better than you

Good game but pretty forgettable, feels more like filled between the releases of botw and totk

The character creator alone makes this game at least an 8/10

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The entire third act Is such a drag that it bumpy my score down by a whole star

Idk why, I just didn't enjoy this as much as I expected to 🤷