Simple story that holds a lot of loyalty towards the original but doesn't scare away from making some changes in story beats or even the characters. Massive improvement to gameplay and visual fidelity while also adding new features such as stealth and parrying. It's just like the original but better

It's a complete copy and paste of the original game but made better in terms of visuals and response between player input and the game responding. Each story beat is the exact same and the gameplay remains mostly the same. The trophies might just be the best change between this "remake" and the last remaster from 2014. I wouldn't call it remake nor would I say that it was worth to even remake the game to begin with.

Cyberpunk was a hot mess when it originally came out but over the course of two years, the game has completely changed with lots of patches that make the game playable in a comfortable way, not having to worry it will crash or glitch out. With more updates coming, I can't wait to see how much better it can become. The story and characters are already good and the many ways you can play the game, makes it all the more enjoyable, not to mention the choices you get to make throughout the whole experience and the great side quests. Is it better than the Witcher 3? I don't think so but it definitely comes close if given the time and patience to experience the game.

Likely one of my favorite games of all time despite the many issues it has in terms of performance. The lore the game brings, enemy design, combat mechanics, the many different weapons and even the characters, which mostly consists of the bosses and the few allies, are all great. It is a challenge that I love to return to at least once a year which is why my play time on this game is low despite me praising it at every opportunity. If I had the power to let this game be remade or receive a remaster for a better performance, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Despite the performance, this game is a masterpiece which originally brought me into the Souls series and games alike.

The Witcher 3 is the best game from CDPR, period! The gameplay is basic and can be quite boring when you are hours into the game but everything else is just perfect. The world building is great, every 30 - 45 seconds you find something new to explore when traversing the land with possible danger luring around. Main questline is great and offers many choices that can change the outcome for not only the ending of the general game but also the ending of certain characters and how much impact they have on the story moving forward. Side missions also have an impact on the story and it's ending or how it might turn out which gives you a reason to complete them and not let them hang about. The witcher contracts are a nice side activity if you're bored of doing quests or want to blow some steam, they're quite realistic to the books and make you feel like Geralt of Rivia as the game intends you to.

Ghost of Tsushima is a dream for those who love Japanese culture, specifically when it comes to Samurai and Shinobi's. Not only is this an open world that is insanely gorgeous which is hard to beat and barely any game in recent times, in my opinion at least, have come close to how rich the world looks in every way. It also has a beautiful story of a Samurai that gives up his code of honor, the code of the Samurai in order to save his country from the invaders trying to destroy it. The gameplay is fun at first but can become a bit tedious after a while but a positive is that there are multiple stances and the ability to use stealth with some extra abilities to add some spice. A really great experience that you cannot rush but you should take your time to really feel, Ghost of Tsushima

The sequel to the first game is a massive improvement in terms of gameplay and world building. The amount of options when it comes to taking down enemies or stealthing around has increased significantly and the upgrade system also got an upgrade compared to Part I. Now playing as two different characters also presents more animations, more story and more weapons. Most of it is good, except for the story. The story is bigger but not necessarily better. The story was slowly paced and the structure overal made it more of a slog to get through than something exciting. The emotions aren't as deep nor are the characters any more likable or memorable as before. I don't play the game for the story but I rather play it for the gameplay.

Another installment from Supermassive Games that follows the footsteps of Until Dawn but doesn't manage to find its way unlike its mother. Most of the characters are stereotypes that have a hard time stepping out of those shadows and be their own character. It is a visual step up in fidelity and presentation, although some of the animations seem to have been cut short, making it look a bit weird. The story was basic, which isn't a bad thing as other games manage to make it work thanks to their gameplay but neither of those things were really great in this game. Gameplay was too slow and too soft on the player instead of punishing the player for being slow. It is too forgiving, even in the most intense of moments where you should be feeling anxious for any upcoming obstacle, not cruise through it like you're on a ship, sipping on your tequilla. The horror aspect in general was lacking and the creatures hunting us are like re-used versions of the wendigo in Until Dawn. It's the first game that isn't part of The Dark Pictures Anthology and is rather a spin off, which surprisingly became more popular than any of the other games but lacked that what Until Dawn had.

For me, Assassin's Creed is about the brotherhood and the templars, the fight between control and freedom, working in the dark to serve the light. Unfortunately, Assassin's Creed valhalla is anything but that and it's not even that bad. This game takes place during the time of the Vikings, Nordic pirates. This time playing as Eivor, a viking, who builds a clan in England while meeting some assassin's and learning about templars, although Eivor doesn't care. Throughout the game we kill templars so we can progress our own goals without really caring about the goals of the brotherhood. Gameplay also doesn't favor stealth but rather RPG style combat with lots of abilities and brute forcing combat. Parkour is also unfavorable due to the map which is normal given the time the game takes place and where. It may not be an assassin's creed game but it's still fun to go and raid like a true viking with your clan, whilst building up your base, unlocking new things. If Ubisoft made this a pure viking game in heart and soul, it would've been fantastic, rather than putting the title Assassin's Creed on it.

The remake of Resident Evil 2 is great because it reimagines what the original was in a modern jacket. The gameplay has improved thanks to having an over the shoulder camera and a bit more freedom in controls over the character. Combat feels fine although a bit slow at times but overal still fun. Having the option between Leon and Claire is awesome, especially when choosing the A or B scenario which does change your gameplay quite a bit, not so much that the entire game is different but a big enough change to make you notice that you're doing something new. Mister X becoming more of a stalker enemy was honestly quite frightening the first few times I encountered him, even after 50+ hours, I still listen closely to his footsteps to make sure he doesn't jumpscare me for the 100th time. The biggest strength however is the main location of the game, the RPD station. It's a pretty big area with lots of connections, giving you lots of ways to reach certain points of the station and it's quite memorable, making it easier to plan routes ahead of time incase mister X decided to chase you out of nowhere or break through a wall. My first real Resident Evil game that got me into the series and it's still amazing!

Growing up with super heroes such as Spider-Man, I also grew up with the games which include Spider-Man 1 to 3. The first and third are titles I wouldn't recommend to the modern gamer given how bad or outdated these games are, although the second game is still quite a bit of fun in 2023. Fast forward to Andrew Garfield's spider man games which aren't as bad as some may say or think and in more recent times, Marvel's Spider-Man, a total game changer.

Marvel's Spider-Man is better in every way imaginable compared to it's predecessors, although Webs of Shadows is also great. The combat feels great thanks to the variety of enemies and amount of gadgets the game brings. Web swinging has never been this fun before except for maybe Spider-Man 2 where they nailed it given the time it was released. The story also takes a bit of a unique turn and takes a different angle on the relationship between Doc oc and Peter. Some iconic villains make a return, an old flame decided to play games and a new hero entered the playfield. I had such a blast playing this game, it was really like I was Spider-Man which I haven't experienced in a while. Can't wait for the sequel!

Hogwarts Legacy is like the dream of every Harry Potter fan, finally realizing the dream of attending Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry! The first open world Harry Potter game that perfectly re-created part of the wizarding world while giving it their own little twist. HL is definitely a must buy for hardcore fans of the series as for casual gamers looking for a magical journey. Gameplay wise the game is pretty fun with a creative combat mechanic that the former harry potter games definitely could've used. Traversal is made easy by way of broom or a magical creature, ready to face dark wizards and help those in need, human or non-human. There's plenty to see around the world with some cool activities although the activities become quite stale the more you progress through the game. In terms of post game content, there is definitely a gap needed to be filled by way of a DLC perhaps in the near future. Luckily there is still the room of requirement where you can grow plants and brew potions and take care of your magical creatures. The game is not perfect but it's a wonderful experience for both newcomers to the series as well as the hardcore fans.

Ghost Recon Wildlands is definitely a fun game for those who have interest in covert ops and the military and even cartels. You get a decent amount of customizable options for you character before joining the field with a pretty large map. There's not really any story to follow but the game is more of a sandbox that works towards a goal of stopping the biggest crime boss while taking out the smaller bosses. You go around and complete missions that don't really need your full attention in terms of following the lore.

The biggest problem with the game, on console at least, is that the gameplay is a bit wonky with a lack of fluidity which might be subject to the time it was released. But even today in 2023, the game is still pretty fun to play every once in a while if you want to feel like a special forces type of guy or gal, taking down some dangerous men.

Bloodborne is already an amazing game with some interesting lore, bosses and locations. But somehow the DLC makes the entire game even more interesting, difficult and filled with new found information and lore. New enemy designs, weapons and clothing to fight off some of the old hunters that linger in another world, stuck forever and fight some of the hardest bosses you'll come across the Souls games.

If I could give you one piece of information, play this blindly and you'll never regret it!

Resident Evil 3 remake was released only a year after the much acclaimed and beloved remake of Resident Evil 2, which would make you believe that the quality will be similar but you'd be wrong. Gameplay wise there is definitely a nice parallel between the two but the mere lack of content in this game compared to 2, is mindblowing. The original shared quite a bit of content that could've been brought over to the remake but for some reason was left behind. Luckily nemesis is still in the game but he has become less of a threat and more of a nuisance. Mister X and Nemesis switched sides with Mister X becoming the stalker enemy, making you clean those trousers every other minute while nemesis is just a scripted entity that fails to live up to it's original counterpart. It's sort of insane to think that RE2 remake was so good, with lots of content and overal great fan service while RE3 remake is almost the total opposite.