About You: Video Games (Stolen)

Stolen from _YALP because he owes me money (hypothetical situation). I tried to take this more seriously at first but descended into madness partway through.

Best Art Style
Runner Up: Racing Lagoon
I just love thick lines and oppressive colors ok
Favorite Antagonist
Spoiler tags guy
Favorite Ending
I cri evrytim
Best Story
I Cri Evrytiem
Favorite Game of All Time
Runner Up Outer Wilds
The movement and combat in Sekiro just feels better than, and also makes me feel cooler than any other game I've ever played.
Favorite Boss Fight
Father Owl Redux aka Angry Santa aka Mega Grandpa Redux
Game That You Always Come Back To
Charmless + Demon Bell + No Upgrades + Ratio
You Hate, Everyone Loves
See my review
Stressful Game
You get a gank squad! And you get a gank squad! Gank squads for everybody!!!
Guilty Pleasure
I hate like 90% of these characters. Anime is destroying the earth. I must know who took the cookies.
Game That Depressed You
Favorite Protagonist
Runner Up: Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core
I will never not be a fan of extremely good dudes that go through tragedy to save the people that matter to them.
Game You Have Not Played But Want To
In my heart I feel like I am actually a MGS fan but honestly I am a fake fan
Tons of Hours Played
Honestly there's probably a game that fits this better but I remember checking my memory card data years later and seeing like 360 hours on this and feeling embarrassed/proud of it
Favorite Series
Runner Up: Dark Souls
Though I hate everything from Birth By Sleep on, the first half of the Kingdom Hearts series is full of some of my favorite combat mechanics and emotional moments. I need the KH2 combat to make a comeback please I'm begging you...
Childhood Game
I played this all the way through like 10-12 times because I had no memory card and was forced to keep playing it until I could basically speed run it
Relaxing Game
360 pop shove it nose manual 50/50 heel flip vert factory gap etc etc etc
Best Soundtrack
Runners Up: Persona 5 Strikers & Danganronpa Trilogy
I am sick of games with quiet safe orchestral soundtracks. Everything I play should have heavy basslines and sick beats with a good serving of funky synths and guitars. Music is a key element in making a game feel cool.
You Love, Everyone Hates
This is mostly a joke but I still love this game even if it isn't actually fun to play

1 Comment

2 months ago

Oh this sounds like fun

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