It's a fun game but at certain points feels like it's just throwing bullet sponge enemies for the sake of difficulty. Fun story and characters

Massive improvement from the first one not only in terms of story but gameplay as well. Every set piece feels bigger than the last with tight gunplay and parkour.

By every account it's a better game but the face change was just a rush job so it matched the next titles and the performance does suffer because of it.

The new gameplay elements makes Miles feel entirely different and the new trick system makes web swinging so much more fun

The gameplay is improved in so many ways in terms of combat and web swinging but the story feels underbaked at times probably due to development issues from executives.

FOR SUPER EARTH 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️

This is one of the greatest games ever made in terms of storytelling within gameplay. The art design and music only support this game further in it's storytelling. The game has some of the tightest platformer controls I've ever played and level design that never feels unfair when dying.

Everything about this game is so addicting and fun from the way it transitions from sky combat ala Star Fox to ground combat that's like a third person shooter. The character interaction are always entertaining and the voice actors do an incredible job. The only flaw about this game is that it physically hurts to play but it's so fun that I don't even care.

It's a good collection for casuals but it still has many flaws. Having Amy playable in all of the classic games officially is a very positive feature.

It's not perfect in any way but I still love it.

It's not a bad game but the problems it has are inexcusable and shouldn't even be problems for a remaster of a Wii game.

It's great to see Amy, Knuckles, and Tails playable in a 3d game after so many years. They all have flaws but for a free dlc there is more content in this then actually paid dlcs.

This is like a best hits album. It's just banger after banger. But there is like an original song at the end and it's just really boring in comparison to everything else.

It's a really fun alternate version of the game. I also really like the choice for different levels as well as other handheld sonic games getting represented.