This is my favourite Dark Souls game, which is probably a volcanic take at this stage. Atmosphere for days, and more build variety than other games in the trilogy, this is just the one I keep coming back to.

The introduction of the adaptability stat was quite the blunder, and the combat feels a little "floaty" to start. However, the focus on the curse and the true horror of forgetting everything, including oneself, being an allegory for the nightmare of dementia/alzheimer's, hit different. I feel like the complaints regarding lack-lustre bosses would be considerably lesser if encounters like the prowling magus or covetous demon were just set piece fights as opposed to being given their own boss titles. There are still bangers in amongst the lesser bosses with Darklurker, Sir Alonne, Burnt Ivory King, and Fume Knight being series all timers.

Also; bring back bonfire ascetics! Man they were a phenomenal feature, and the variations of NG+ and beyond have been sorely missing from the series since.

I VERY quickly clicked that this game was not for me, but boy am I glad it exists.

I really tried to enjoy this, and bought it after undergoing a vasectomy. Unfortunately the vasectomy itself turned out to be a more pleasant experience than this. It really is a testament to how little Game Freak cares about its games, when there are a myriad of glitches, coding problems and optimisation issues that seem to be simple to fix...yet remain there to this day. I guess there's no money in fixing a game that sold millions when you've already got the cash.
Getting a vasectomy on Valium and whisky while listening to Iron Maiden? HIGHLY recommended.
Pokemon Scarlet? HARD pass.

Brutally difficult, and visually stunning; this was a huge upgrade from the previous DLC stumble. The bosses are unreal, and the level design wonderful...but I still give absolutely zero shits about Slave Knight Gael...a character who showed up for all of a couple of minutes previous to this. Dope boss fight though, and a fitting end to the series. I genuinely hope they leave the Dark Souls name at that.

Banging the Sonic 3 cartridge into the top of the Sonic & Knuckles cartridge was a true childhood wonder. This is peak Sonic with everything turned to 11.

Big boy edgelord Kratos slices his way through a surprisingly large amount of puzzles and quick time events. This was so metal when it first came out, and that Hydra battle on the ship at the beginning made a BIG statement that this game was not here to mess.

The top of the heap for me. This is where the final fantasy series peaked, with a focus on the cast of characters and their development during the course of the game, this tackles deeper themes in an undeniably charming setting.

A great start, but a slog to get through nowadays. Busted and broken but with so much charm you can't help but love it.

I genuinely think about this game still, and wish I could play it again for the first time. A true mystery masterpiece and a perfect example of how a game can make you feel like a genius over and over again.
I wish there was more. I would play endless episodes like this until the world inevitably perishes in a sea of nuclear fire.

Such a good remaster of a cult classic. The story of FFV is a fairly meat-and-potatoes romp, but the game is more systems focused with the engaging job system. Not a huge fan of the new jobs added as they tend to turn the late game into a joke, but the added content is welcome nonetheless.


Still cranks hard. The fact that I've been jamming this bad boy for 20+ years speaks volumes to how hard it goes. RIP AND TEAR...

This game still slaps, with a banging soundtrack, iconic levels and great gameplay. The anxiety induced by the oxygen countdown during the underwater sections still haunts me to this day. Boosting faster than the game could keep up in Chemical Plant Zone still tickles me to this day.

Literally the best looking game for the first Playstation, this is a HEAVY stats and systems RPG. The menus are clunky to navigate, and the battle system hasn't aged great, but by god what I'd give for a remaster. The environment, the smithing system, the story, the themes and the script are just perfect. Revisiting Lea Monde is an absolute joy every play through.

A truly innovative combat system, characters that just reek of whimsy and charm, and a fantastic child-like sense of adventure that's a joy to come back to. This was a regular spin in my teenage years, and has held up better than a lot of other RPG's from the time.
The combination of 3D environments and 2D pixel characters can really make your eyes bounce off initially, but you'll quickly adjust.