Book 1 is terrible and uninteresting as it originally was, and it's entirely optional, so when I think of FE3, I'm really thinking of Book 2 (since you know, that's when the game actually starts)
While Book 2 is obviously not some masterpiece in FE gameplay, there's something about FE3 that makes it so incredibly charming, from it's colours, it's music, to the genuinely pretty good story to close out the Archaneia arc. It's kinda dated but I genuinely like this game a lot.

A game that deludes itself into thinking it's a return to form to some completely imaginary past, and ends up just removing a lot of what made Zelda what it was, now replaced with quantity over quality. This philosophy permeates throughout the entire game, with tons of really bland puzzles that never fundamentally change because the game wishes you to always be able to take everything on, which only removes a lot of sense of progression and variety. There's never any new ways to do anything, solving puzzles is always the same, and for enemies you just use your strong weapons if you're having trouble. Main dungeons have never been this bland and lifeless before, as, again, you don't come across any new mechanics and all bosses are a joke to ensure you can beat them no matter the order you took them in. The overworld is huge but really uninteresting to explore, and exploration itself is a pain, with rain, an entirely pointless mechanic, coming down every time you ever try to climb something. The game is alright if you just to play by shutting down your brain

The game has lost basically all of it's intuitive design it had in it's alpha and beta days. Mobs and the night are no longer a threat at all, you can just be a killing machine and run around at night freely and the game is now just some mediocre adventure game that isn't able to decide whether there is some point to it or not. Whereas old Minecraft's point used to be self fulfilling (build and claim as much land as you can so you can avoid monsters at all costs), that has left the game long ago as the player no longer even needs shelter at all and building a house is pretty much done only for the sake of building a house, and so is expanding your territory

Extremely disappointing gameplay that has regressed almost entirely from the intuitive design the series was starting to build, not surprising seeing that the team literally has never made a Fire Emblem game. The gameplay is mostly tedium and the most fun to be had is figuring out how to skip and break everything, which is incredibly easy because the new dev team seems to be like actually awful/complete noobs at FE. There's just so much wrong with the map design and balancing that I'm just getting depressed thinking about it. I still found it alright cause I could just LTC every map and it was kinda fun developing those strats to beat most maps in 1 or 2 turns. The story and the writing was also pretty gripping, though glaringly flawed at times.

The gameplay has been tweaked greatly from the original game, though it felt too easy even though I played it on the War difficulty blind and I'm no SMT expert player either.
Also, barely worth mentioning at this point but the writing is cringy as fuck besides like Dagda who has a fucking cool design and sexy voice. It's a disappointment but at least the gameplay was solid

A very personal favorite because I vibe incredibly well with literally every bit of the game's dated aesthetic. I'm sure for the average person, this game just sucks just because of how dated it is, but I see an incredible cyberpunk aesthetic with gameplay that has a surprising amount of care put into it, especially demon fusion. Although the combat is no doubt barely engaging at all, this game feels like it was handcrafted for me and I'm all for it

Incredibly intelligent direction from Suda51, one of the most unique story-based games ever made. The only complaints I have is that certain chapters are much, much less consistent and gripping than others

The gameplay isn't the best by any means, it especially gets kinda just tiring near the end, but everything else is masterfully done. The story is downright artful along with it's accompanying soundtrack


Very charming RPGmaker story game

This game's main story is stupid and forgettable like the second game, but unlike the second game, the characters aren't nearly as charming to make up for it. The direction overall feels kinda bland but the gameplay is still really fun.

Pretty charming game, but the gameplay can get a bit annoying at times and isn't really spectacular

Really janky Kaga design but this game is one of the few times it actually somehow works. Not bad, Kaga


Jak 2 with cool cars but the game is way too easy

Really cool direction, excellent music and really satisfying gameplay

So good yet so glaringly flawed, and it's a shame that most casuals mostly pick up on the flaws and decide it's a bad game, because it's one of the most solid FE games with it's excellent difficulty and map design. The game is basically just a huge escort mission to get Roy to the throne, and yes, unit balance is terrible, and yes, hitrates are awful, it's a pretty janky game at times but it's otherwise so goddamn solid and genuinely challenging. As a strategy game, this is one of the better FE games.