MS paint is truly the pinnacle of humor.

Very solid Castlevania game. Really liked the split party member mechanics, while many games would be content to just hand wave away your companion character(s), Charlotte is a great foil to Jonathan both in writing and gameplay. The portraits in the game splitting the map up into different segments was a nice change of pace, and definitely a great change for those who hate getting lost, but upon reflection I feel being able to get lost in Dracula's castle is part of the charm of the series to me.

Why on God's green earth did I play a word scrambling game when I have the wordplay skills of a coked out toddler.

What if they made one of the best games of all time actually playable.

I have absolutely no fucking idea what the story of this game was. First two games were pretty generic horror setups but this game goes off the rails with time travel and body swapping and I don't even know what. Putting all that aside though I rather liked the gameplay, felt like a natural evolution of the 2nd game making it a more actiony shooter, and a lot of the guns were fun with decent variety for the game length. The costume mechanic in particular was amusing, even if I am for sure not beating this game 10 times.

I dont like how Red rides a chocobo. Freak of nature.

Only played for max 15 minutes at a time sitting in discord vc when there is nothing else to do.

Not too fond of the change to tank controls, especially after the first game' original RPGish battle system, but eventually got used to them and even started to really enjoy the combat in this game where you go from room to room systematically destroying enemies.

More of the same from the first game only now there's a fun musical number.

PS2 is the king of quirk and Psychonauts is no exception. Kinda gives me Persona vibes if you think about it.

If I had to pick my single favorite 3ds game, it would without a doubt be Kid Icarus Uprising. The writing, charm and passion put into this game is undeniable, and it is one of those games I cannot stop myself from replaying at least yearly. Should be some kind of criminal charge that Nintendo has let this game stagnant from over a decade without any kind of sequel or even port.

The Last of Us is widely heralded as one of the best stories in gaming, are being one of the games that pushed gaming as an art form into public discussion. However while I did like the story and characters and do recognize their quality, I am not much of a sentimental guy and just think the combat and resource managing is a lot of fun, with some of the most satisfying gunplay in a single player game ever.