one of the best ever, fun gameplay, iconic music, very memorable all around

i could live taking pictures of pokemons every day

one of the first games i played, and had great campaigns that i still remember to this days

i loved the thematic boards, it was a great mario party with great minigames

fun game, but not my type of game. iconic voicelines tho

so many iconic characters to play as, and the best menu music of its generation (not fact checked)

my favorite zelda game ever. great story, great mechanics to make it very unique, and very memorable areas/items.

gta meets scarface. the controls have not aged well tho.

the only pokemon game i actually finished, just to have my save erased just days after. i had fun tho

great opening music, weird decision to kill the "main" character, weird direction to take the game, but i had fun gambling my in game coins on the krypt with its "is it a new character or a shitty drawing" roulette. then again, theres the best mk content out there, cooking with scorpion

i dont want a toon link, stupid me said. and then i played it and it turns out as one of the best zeldas, with great music, fun gameplay and very pretty to look at. the sailing does get old tho

my favorite game when i was a kid obsessed with bionicle. i remember having some fun with it, and i shall not replay it because it would ruin the memories

i love gta, and i love the simpsons, what more could i ask for?

a decent gta clone, and my first as being the cop instead of the criminal, which was a decent idea that would be rarely made in the future

a great collection of games, but counting this one you can say the best zelda games are the ones on the gamecube :)