fun game, but after they changed the controls on the next one i cant get used to run with Y. The graphics look absolutely incredible even in this day and age

such a simple game, but very very fun and replayable. a wii wouldnt be complete without wii sports insert the wii sports jingle

the edgy zelda i thought i wanted but not really. it was good as other zeldas but didnt really shine as much

warioware games are always very fun, and this one on the wii was even better because the wiimote positions were so funny

this game had the potential to be another xbox franchise but the sequels couldnt reach the highs of this one. it was very fun to progress with your agent and see him getting better and better

one of my favorite games ever, i loved the story, the music, the characters, the gameplay not so much (especially the answer) but it was a very enjoyable game

one of my fave wrestling games ever. the changed made to the controls were great

great game, great song selection, nice customization options. the only thing i didnt like is that you couldnt have an online band, which is why i could never finish the infinite setlist as singing and playing guitar is as hard as you can imagine

nice change from melee, great characters added, and great music.

very fun to play bomberman with friends, and nice bomberman customization

one of my favorite games ever, a nice end to a great series, amazing multiplayer, very fun user created content, nice music, very replayable last mission.

great songs, fun gameplay, but it got so big that activision milked it dry in a few years

the best naruto game by far, at least a lot more interesting than the same old anime 3d arena combat games. the making the jutsus and charing them were so much fun its a shame they didnt go far in the story

a nice change of pace for a rockstar game, but it had a limited potential since school games cant go as crazy as the other rockstar games