One Letter, One Game

The idea for this kind of just popped into my head while I was trying to sleep one night. Whether I got enough sleep or not that night doesn't matter, but the idea was neat to me so I'm gonna do it.

It's as simple as it sounds: One favored game to represent each letter of the alphabet. 26 games total.

As I play more games, I may find the need to slot in other games over what's already present, so this list will be updated randomly over time. I will leave a note regarding what games were originally in a slot before getting replaced, though!

After checking around I found that apparently this is a pretty common list idea so I'm surprised I didn't see an example of it sooner, or at all, really. If you've made a list like this feel free to share it so I can check it out!

Also I'm a coward and am going to be ignoring the words "The" and "A" in titles of games for this list because not even the website itself acknowledges them when sorting things alphabetically so why should I, right?