My past and recent 9-5 Jobs

If anything comes up on the radar I'll be sure to add - over 100 hours of tracked playtime is required to enter the list. I'm sure there are a few more I can squeeze in here though it's been a pain in the ass to check my hours on the non-functioning Xbox app.

3277 Hours - Currently employed
2570 Hours - I like many others had a phase with Fortnite and while I don't play it much today, I used to play the shit out of this game. I always wanted to compete competitively and I surprisingly got close until a ton of shit happened in my personal life and yeah after that I kinda just played casually.
2448 Hours - Yeah, this game fucking ruined my life lmfao. The start of a 10-year addiction and one of the worst 9-5 Jobs on the market.
723 Hours - I would say more than half of my playtime is fucking around in custom games while the other half is replaying Halo 2.
~600 hours - Got into it a little later into its cycle due to me not owning a 360, though that didn't stop me from having the time of my life and clocking in hundreds of hours in Social Slayer. I would also play a ton of CC but I enjoyed Slayer way more than I should've.
525 Hours - Without a doubt, this game contains the best iteration of zombies this franchise has ever seen. The campaign was atrocious but the multiplayer fucked pretty hard.
522 Hours - this shit can go kick rocks man
467 hours - I wanted to hit Inheritor so bad man, from memory I think I hit near Field Marshall so I could have more hours than stated.
506 Hours - fun for some time but got slightly repetitive for me.
315 Hours - One of the best looter shooter games to exist. Highly addictive especially during the period when I played it. I still play it here and there but yeah this game fucks.
255 Hours - In the talks of being the greatest game of all time.
246 Hours - It's Elden Ring, how do you not put over a hundred hours into it?
~ 250 Hours - It's cool. People lowkey overrate the fuck outta this game but I understand to a degree. Personally, not the best in the franchise but this game has Origins and the Ballista so I get it.
~200 hours - The most important videogame to me as it served as a staple in my life and helped me through so much shit. I've replayed the campaign well over 50 times, shits like crack cocaine for me icl.
170 Hours - GTA online is cool but honestly, I couldn't tell you if I beat the story or not.
142 Hours - A step down from Borderlands 2 but the gameplay was fun. The endgame wasn't too great and Gearbox couldn't figure out how to properly balance the game.
141 Hours - rather smoke circus peanuts than get back on this tbh
132 Hours - The world in this game is gorgeous along with Its Atlantis DLC, I do agree that it's a shitty AC game but I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy my time with it.
116 Hours - some of the best gameplay the franchise has seen and while the campaign is underwhelming, the multiplayer kicks ass. Though that content drought during its early life cycle was abysmal, not too sure what they were thinking.
107 Hours - ass but it had far more players than MCC :(


12 days ago

Fellow Destiny 2er, retiring after I get my 10 year plaque

11 days ago

@_YALP Lmao yeah TFS just couldn't come sooner, after that I plan on quitting for a while and just let whatever they release stack on each other until I eventually want to play again.

11 days ago

Im probs out for good after that, theyve squandered my confidence and patience with it. Marathon will get its own fair shot but I simply do not believe in Destiny anymore. Im in it for the 401k at this point

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