Simple, fun game. The game can get a little irritating at points, but it's generally forgiving enough to not get on my nerves. Getting the Chaos Emeralds is a bit of a pain, but the levels generally are fun to explore due to good atmosphere and the satisfaction of attaining high amounts of rings. I enjoy the music and the game is quite pretty.

I really appreciate it when a new 3D platformer with fun movement comes out. I like how much of the game lets you just play your own way and I appreciate the flow state you can achieve.

Movement can be a bit unreliable sometimes? It's hard to tell what'll happen in certain contexts. Not a huge fan of searching the levels and collecting stuff, it's way more fun to just go fast. The combo system also isn't great. It's satisfying to get a high combo, but I can see why Mario games don't. It incentivizes strange behavior.

It's also a pretty game, it has a very unique art style that it fully commits to. The character designs aren't really great in my opinion, but they're somewhat appealing. Music's nice as well.

The story didn't have too much to it, but it is funny and charming and there wasn't anything particularly wrong with it, so whatever.

So I don't think I like Super Mario Sunshine all too much. The things the game makes you do are simply just not very fun. The movement, however, is great, so searching for red coins is some of the most fun I can have with it.

Blue coins were also fun, but no way in hell I'm getting all of them. I got around 60-70% and that's enough. At least I know it led to improvement with Mario Odyssey not requiring all moons.

I like this game. I didn't expect to like it more after going for all Gold Medals and Fire Souls though, goddamn!

I had already completed every mission before on my first ever save file of the game from about a decade ago, but I have never gotten all the souls/medals.

There's an astounding amount of depth to the movement, it makes playing the 100(?) missions mostly pretty fun.

My favorite part of the movement is using the slide as a temporary invincibility to dodge obstacles quickly. I also really enjoy using the splash jump to get around obstacles absurdly quickly, if you think strategically, you can find some awesome shortcuts.

I also appreciate that they didn't throw out slope physics, they feel pretty good and they're useful, I'd say that those physics are overall better than Frontiers lmao.

I think the level design of the levels that are focused on just making it to the end, with or without requirements (don't get/do any of x, don't die, don't get hit, or just get to the end) are a lot of fun, while all the other missions are kinda mediocre.

When getting to the end, quick thinking and reacting is awesome, despite being automated, there's a surprising amount of experimentation you can take advantage of. The other missions make the controls' issues really stand out though, unresponsiveness and jank are common.

The environments look pretty good, they're all imaginative, and their accompanying themes are all highlights of the game too. I also really enjoy the story and dialogue, it's some of the best in the entire series.

I'll also say that I played with a code that immediately puts you at Level 99 because I've already leveled up on my old save file and I don't wanna go through it again, but the experience without your abilities is the game's worst aspect.

Still, overall, it's a pretty good game.

This game's pretty good! It feels nice to turn, the campaign lasts just the right length, the story is fairly engaging, the music is surprisingly good, and the game looks pretty alright for current standards.

I like this game, it still has fun obstacles, the challenge is interesting, it's more fair than the previous games. My favorite part is using the mechanics to find secrets and shortcuts, that was awesome.

This game is more fun than the first one. It's more interesting in its design and I much prefer how well the levels flow. The insane difficulty made it take a while, but it felt fair and rewarding to play.

The only problems are that it's not the full game, and that some elements are too unforgiving, otherwise, it's pretty much perfect.

The level design of 06 is the best in the series, so giving it better controls and better visuals is essentially the key to perfection. The additional animations are pristine, and the in-level cutscenes are so cool.

The game feels great to play, the sense of speed is great, the steering feels responsive without being twitchy, and slope jumping to take shortcuts is a lot of fun.

I will say that magnet dashing, while fun, feels janky at times. Jester Swiping is super satisfying, but it resets your rotation and you'll accidentally Jester Dash quite a bit.

The levels are really big, to the point where it can take over 30 minutes just to find everything in the level, yet they retain their focus by making the way to the end clear (for the most part), they have a sense of flow and feel great to navigate.

Getting all of the collectibles is really fun, though score and exploration medals do start to get a little dull by the end, especially because the levels might get a little too big. The Spark 2 levels aren't great but I'm not going to knock that against the game.

The OST is great, the songs stand out and are very memorable, they fit incredibly well with the environments. The game has a very simple art style but it really works so you can keep track of the action no matter how fast you're going.

The story isn't great but it's definitely memorable, I kinda wish there was more for Spark to do, and it has a lot less of the fun factor that held up the first game's story, but the ending is so insane that I can't help but find some fun in it.

The penultimate level was incredibly memorable and was a great challenge, it also surprised me because there was SO MUCH of it, getting the time medal for it was fun. The rest of the ending is pretty underwhelming on the gameplay front though.

I know I complained a lot, but at the end of the day, I find so much of the game incredibly fun, I think it's a fantastic game.

I really liked this! The characterizations were like 80% on point, the minigames were neat, the art style was cool, the songs are okay, it felt like a passion project. It made for a relaxing play while sick in bed.

If I were to describe every aspect, I would just say that everything is perfect, so I won't, but know that this game features my favorite story in a video game, some awesome puzzles, incredible visuals, super tight gameplay, fun exploration, and just... great vibes.

I really like this game, it's a ton of fun, and I think that it's absolutely worth playing for any Sonic fan, or fan of 2D platformers in general.

It controls like a Sonic game, but it has super neat combat and Kirbyesque power absorption. The levels are gigantic and they're a lot of fun to traverse using the movement mechanics of each of the powerups.

The combat is really fun because it focuses on the powerups and allows you to use your unique abilities to pull off insane dodges or beat bosses incredibly fast. The story is a lot of fun and it contains some fun moments! The high difficulty was also really appreciated.

The later levels did get a little cluttered, and the game started to drag by the end, I wish the levels were shorter.

Fark's story is just as fun as Spark's, it focuses more on parrying and a specific moveset, but that moveset is a lot of fun, and getting good at him was fun!

The OST is REALLY good, the highlights are Vs. Fark, Ultra Final Boss, and Fark's Special Boss Theme. The game looks really good too, there are well-animated cutscenes and the sprite work present in the main game is awesome.


This game is really fun, but it drags a bit.

I think that making you play every single level AT LEAST 9 times to 100% the game is pretty absurd, even if they are modified.

I find Team Sonic to be the best overall, great balance of combat and platforming, levels don't last too long (only 5 minutes if you do a casual modded speedrun at MAX), Team Dark is a bit too combat but it's the second best, it drags a little bit.

Team Rose is way too easy and simple, it's just kinda sad to play, it's still fun though. Team Chaotix is kind of painful, but some parts are really fun too! Super Hard Mode is Team Sonic but filled with plenty of BS hazards, but it's still alright.

I don't really like the Mission 2s, I MUCH prefer playing the Mission 1s, and I wish the game was restricted to that and maybe made the ranking system harder, a mirror mode would be neat? Either way, the extra missions aren't great.

The boss fights can be quite janky, but the main boss fights are decent. The team fights and robot fights are real rough.

The special stages are pretty mid, they're very janky, but they're fun, I suppose.

There are quite a few deaths that aren't your fault, which sucks.

When the gameplay works, the flow between the teams, keeping up speed, gliding across levels, doing slope jumps, and using the movement to do some fun tech... it can be incredible.

Oh, and the final boss fight??? Peak fiction.

Combining two of my favorite 2D Sonic games was a genius idea.

The changes to the formula of CD on paper are genuinely WAY BETTER than the original, having time travel be instant is a cool change, though I think it could have been better because I did it accidentally quite a bit.

I didn't mind Futures having no real gameplay functionality in CD, but the addition of specific special stages to both sides of the timeline is really neat.

I wish the level design was a little more open like CD, it works a lot more for a game focused on exploration, as the level design is a mix of Sonic 3 and CD, I preferred the open stages as is, but the level design was still absolutely excellent.

There are so many cool secrets to find, hell, I didn't even mind the lives system. Not because I think that the lives system was done super well or anything, but because lives are so abundant that I had over 30 by the final zone, not a problem since I don't really care.

A lot of the special stage locations are just in walls that you have to lean on, I wish they were hidden more like CD where you had to use your physics to locate them, but a small complaint because I still had plenty of fun looking for them.

I wish we had the drop dash, but that didn't exist when this game came out, but considering how close it was, it should have been added afterward, but not a big complaint because I still love the instashield.

The new shields are kinda eh, but the old shields are still a delight.

This game also has spinning from falling off a ledge, and you can even use your ability after! It feels really neat and it stops moments from feeling awkward.

The special stages themselves are really fun, I wish there was a little more in terms of differentiation, but not much of a complaint because I still had plenty of fun.

The boss fights are fun, but not particularly memorable, there was one where you had to jump on the hands of the enemy to slam the other one into it, but otherwise, I won't remember them past this game for the most part, even the final boss was just okay despite its cool design.

I think that the atmosphere is great, but not quite as on point as CD's, the visuals and music are great, but still aren't super perfect. It's also kind of hard to identity the similarities between future and past.

I also would have appreciated a present, but that would be so much more work, Good and Bad futures aren't really much of anything, but the amount of work that would require is quite high.

hile I said many things against the game, none of them detracted from my enjoyment, I just simply have points of comparison where a lot of things were done even better than they were here. This is my second favorite 2D fangame, its nearly as great as the games it takes after.