Still the best casual smash game, slow and hectic!

The most time ive ever sunken into a smash game, ignore its online presence and the rest is quite good.

A really rough game, its age shows, but its importance cannot be denied.

Honest to god a mistake of a game.

Feels alot like Megaman X4 but has gameplay that keeps me coming back!

Gorgeous game, and the gameplay is not bad either.

Theres real, genuine love poured into this game, and the gameplay/visuals really show.

The game is only worth going back to for its darker themes and pretty colors, its a good departure from all the other GBA titles but the gameplay really starts lacking due to a lack of difficulty.

This game doesnt do TOO much wrong, but the Black Fang is easily the peak of the game.

Play this game religiously for so many years, but as time went on more and more weaknesses started to be apparent, its just okay now.

The game itself is really nice to look at, but gameplay is quite average.

Truth be told its the visuals and objectives that got me hooked early on. Struggled a bit to finish it as the game got a little too repetitive.

Fantastic visuals and mechanics, worth coming back to over alot of other titles.

There is zero progression/car unlocks in the game, which essentially removes about 30% of the enjoyment in a racing game. The game also does not look great when driving at night. Overall a really shallow game that never feels rewarding.

This review contains spoilers

Got halfway into part 2 and it feels like Path of Radiance with a bit more of a convolution in its plot with the whole Micaiah not liking Ike thing. Dawn Brigade doesnt help either.