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If you understand or if you don't
If you believe or if you doubt
There's a universal justice
And the eyes of truth
Are always watching you

An epic conclusion to the trilogy, and my first halo game. Somehow bigger and badder than the last entry, with epic set pieces. Sadly you don't get to play as the arbiter this time (well not in the solo anyway), but every weapon is back (Minus the pistol from 2). There are no bosses, but theres scarab fights and they're my favorite parts of the game. There is that one level though….CORTANA….actually it isn't that bad as I remember. I remember getting lost a lot, but now i unintentionally speed through it. On heroic though its a pain in the ass though, but on normal its like a band aid. Just rip it off and the pain will be over as soon as you know it. Overall pretty awesome game and pretty good conclusion to the trilogy. You finished the fight.

Bigger and better than the first game, more characters, more new weapons (sadly the assault rifle and magnum doesn’t make an appearance), more enemies variants, and a really cool campaign with a story that has more layers to it with characters that are awesome. Pretty impressive game considering that it was made in 10 months. Yeah the campaign does feel rush especially at the end. But overall it’s a pretty damn good game. Expect on higher difficulties Ive only played on heroic (sadly I'm not “estoy pro hardcore gamer” enough to play it on legendary on all games btw) but i was pulling my hair out due to how difficult it is. Thanks to the internet... I know what lies on legendary. Overall this is still a masterpiece.

Pretty cool first game that kicks off the entire series. It’s so good that it’s replayable to this day. The story although very cinematic at the time is kinda simple. But the characters and setting is engaging enough. On top of that the gameplay is amazing.

I love everything about this game. From its world, its characters, the simple story, its music, and its french comic aesthetic. This is a personal favorite. Final boss battle is kinda eh though.


This game…This game. I have waited 7 years for this game. Although I did enjoy it, I was ultimately disappointed. The games length is pretty short clocking in at 5 hours (2 hours if you already know what to do), the story not existent, and finally the ending of this game. Which is the worst ending I’ve ever seen in a video game. All of this wouldn’t be so bad if the price was short. But nope FORTY DOLLARS FOR THIS GAME! Yeah no im not gonna let that slide. This game does look amazing and alien, but this isn’t an art book. This is a game that i have waited six years for and the price is ridiculous. Speaking of art books, the game’s story and world building is in the art book. Go buy that instead. Until they add more to the game I do not recommend it.

I have a funny story with this game. It all started in December 2020. I bought the game, played it, witnessed all of the glitches and game breaking bugs, uninstalled it, waiting for it to get patched, gave up and finally moved on with my life. I was disappointed and this game faded away from my mind. Until EdgeRunners came out and I was like “ok the game sucks but maybe the anime might be good, its Trigger how can it suck?” So I’ve watched it and it got me back into the game. However I didn’t got back to it immediately. I was hesitant to jump back in, can you blame me? I almost didn’t touch it…Until UPDATE 1.0 came out. It looks promising so I’ve waited and waited, until it finally dropped. And I love it! This was the game I was looking forward too. I love the story, love the characters, love the side jobs, and I especially love the gameplay. The gun play is pretty solid. and the builds you can do are pretty satisfying. Example I did a strength build with big guns and gorilla arms. I feel like a tank that could gun down army’s of Mercs and crush people heads with my cybernetic fist. However this game is not perfect, the NCPD scanner is quite tedious, and there are still bugs here and there. But its not as bad as it was before. This game is beautiful, and to quote the game’s soundtrack. A thing of beauty…. WILL NEVER FADE AWAY.

Hell is pretty cool looking, and the voice acting is awesome. Too bad the game is repetitive, punishing, button mashing, annoying, and not fun. I stopped playing at heresy because I couldn’t take it anymore. I really want to like this game….but I don’t sadly. The animated epic is a lot better.

Play the sequel, it makes this game irrelevant.

This game while technically impressive, falls flat on the gameplay side of things. Repetitive missions, dull graphics, and malaria galore. Makes this game not fun to play, and I abandoned it. It was impressive back in 2008, but the sequels left this game to bite the African dust trail.

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Although this game is pretty short, I really love this game. From the aesthetics of a Bio technology, exploring an alien world as bug alien, the mind bending puzzles that once you solve it you feel like a genius, the excellent boss battles, the music, and Ascending to godhood. This is the second best game I’ve played this year. Wait for a sale though. I’ve beaten it within a day and with no guide.