What a masterpiece.

The amount of themes it tackles and how much it still relates to today. From personal themes to society themes. How digitized information from one person carry a tremendous amount of power. Also how censorship is (maybe) not all bad. Because of how many there are false information, half truths, brainrot information and content and how it regresses us. Individual has so much power to control the masses because the information is not validated. People dont want to find the truth, they stick with the 'truth' they want to hear. and because of that they fell into their little ponds. The digitized world is a doubled edged sword.

Raiden as a character is also well fleshed out with his problems and all. It talks about facing your past, and stop hiding behind 'false truths' that we use to not face the real problem ourselves.

Kojima is a fucking genius. He really is a visionary. The game is weird, controversial, funny, and profound at the same time.


I get why this game is so influential and revolutionary. Because of this game we have people like Hidetaka Miyazaki creating games. Not only that we can also see a lot of it's DNA in modern games. From the level design, art design, minimal storytelling and dialogue, ambience and environment, the companionship mechanic.

This game inspired two of my favorites which is Dark Souls and The Last of Us. Dark Souls and The Last of Us is quite different from each other but the DNA of Ico is on both of them. I also LOVE that this game doesn't handhold the player. Most old games handhold the player too much on what button to press or what to do. Ico eventhough it's a linear game, it lets you experiment. I like but also dislike the camera system, I like it because it gives you a breathtaking view on the world outside the castle and the castle pretty well but the problem with the camera system when you are doing the puzzle where it's pretty easy to miss key items because of the camera and sometimes hard to move the character. The puzzle in this game is also really fun but not that hard which i like, it's on a perfect difficulty for puzzles. The storytelling is minimal but it makes you care about the character and i think we care about the character more because there is physical touch between the characters and i think that really helps.

In conclusion,this is a really good game and i see why it inspired a lot of gamemakers out there. I also hope there will be a remake one day, because this game with new gen graphics will go HARD.

Stellar Blade is one of my most awaited game in 2024 just because it is inspired a lot by two of my favorite games, Nier Automata and Soulslike games.

This game has a great combat system just like soulslike games and a GREAT OST just like Nier games. But i also was expecting amazing story and characters but the problem is that the story and characters lacks emotion and depth. It tries to copy nier automata too much and become very predictable. That being said, i am not saying the story is bad, it's actually pretty decent but compared to Nier Automata it definitely doesn't reach that point at all.

But i still really enjoyed my time with this game, just wish it was a bit longer. I guess you could say that there is a Nier-like games now.

Had a lot of fun playing this game. The combat is really fun and the best thing about this game is just adventuring from point a to point b while fighting mobs. If the story was more gripping and better it could've been a 4.5/5. I also still think the one save file thing is kinda dumb because you cannot explore the world and do other quests again after the ending. Some of the quests are confusing to do since it doesn't tell you much. But yeah, it's still an incredibly fun open world adventure game with great fun combat and cool atmosphere.

Most immersive game i've played. You got to get used to the combat but after understanding it, the combat is actually really fun.

Has one of the best ending ever in video games.

A really great expansive game filled with many amazing contents but also a big apparent flaw. First off i'm going with the positive. Combat is REALLY REALLY good, the graphics is also good, the worldbuilding is top notch, characters are memorable and fun, the level design and the open world gameplay loop isn't actually bad and pretty fun to grind, the minigames and gimmicks are also really fun, and the sense of adventure is also amazing. What I don't like about this game is the execution of the story. The story isn't bad; it's just that they made it convoluted for no reason, which takes the emotion out of it. I don't fucking know why they decided to make it convoluted when they could've kept it minimalistic and WAY BETTER. I just need to say the "Multiverse" trope is fucking trash.

Still an amazing game though. The journey was worth it and fun.

An amazing experience. Getting the master sword in TOTK after seeing all the tears and how the story unravels is one of the best gaming experience i've had.

Final Fantasy 16 probably has the best boss fight i've ever experienced in a video game. Bahamut and Titan boss fight are some of the best boss fight ever. The story also starts really strong but unfortunately it turns out to be a mess towards the end. FF16 has some of the highest high and some of the lowest lows

As a fan of Nier Automata i was immensely hyped to play this game. This game has great soundtrack, good story, good worldbuilding but man it is incredibly ruined by the dumb fucking gameplay mechanics where you need to grind and replay the game 3-4 times.

My first full metal gear solid experience. I tried MGS1 couple years ago but it's too outdated for me so i didn't finish it, but i am so keen and interested in MGS3 because it's also one of the highest rated in this website.

Well the game is amazing. It is definitely one of the best if not the best game of the PS2 era. The game has a unique style. A unique gameplay and an intriguing story. The writing is a hit or miss but what you get is a very unique style of writing and now i am used to Kojima style of comedy and writing so i'm okay with it. But because of the writing, the awkward corny comedy and the gameplay, the game is so GODDAMN ENTERTAINING. The game also has very good set pieces for a game made for the PS2 era. But some of the gameplay really showed its time, i DESPISE the aiming mechanic, it's very frustrating but well i am playing a 2004 game in 2024 so of course it's outdated. The meta storytelling and the blend of game and reality storytelling is my favorite aspect of this game. When the game makes me think, that's what i think it's best at. Overall this makes me REALLY interested in the metal gear franchise and probably going to play MGS1 or MGS2 next.

Some favorite moments:
The End boss fight (sniper battle)
The boss speech about how we are just inhabitants of earth, a world without capitalism and communism
The theme about how important is our loyalty if our enemy changes throughout time and ages
The sorrow section where there are bodies of people i killed

Love this game. I thought i would not like a 2D soulslike game but once i keep an open mind, wow idk why i thought i wouldn't like this game. This game has an incredible exploration, level design, world building and boss fight.


Edit: The fact that this game is still stuck on my mind is crazy.

NaissenceE is an incredible artful game. If you like game like Journey, Abzu, Gris, Death Stranding i think you'll like this game. It's a walking-platforming-puzzle game but it's full of breathtaking architecture, amazing view, amazing atmosphere and amazing feeling. It is scary, but not in a typical horror way. You are just this person who is walking alone in this weird,intricate,trippy maze-like structures but at the same time the game makes you feel like you are not alone. But not only the maze-like structures, there are also another cool,weird,breathtaking,scary stuff waiting for you. The music in this game is trippy and psychedelic just like the game. The puzzle is challenging but not hard. This game is also definitely inspired by BLAME! (Manga) which is one of my favorite manga of all time. There is this one weird running mechanic where you need to breathe everytime you run which i think doesn't add much but once you get used to it it's not that much of a nuisance anymore. You should try this game since it's free on steam. Also the game is pretty short like 2-4 hours. Amazing game. I also advise you to not look much about the game because you want to see that "screenshot moment" alone for the first time.

The open world in this game is incredible. Seeing the erdtree from a far and getting closer and closer to it then seeing Leyndell is one of the greatest gaming experience i've had. Most of the main bosses are also amazing. Fighting elden beast feels like everything you ever done is leading up to that point with the music and the amazing area.


The story, the music, the gameplay are all amazing. Ending E is still the best thing i've experienced in gaming.