90 Reviews liked by Yahya

Now THIS is the Devil May Cry I’ve heard so much about. Fast paced and full of style, energy and character. The combat sandbox is fluid, satisfying and allows for a fair bit of improvisation. I do think the style system is a bit rigid, I would’ve loved to combo the Trickster’s aerial warp with the Swordmaster’s aerial combos, but even as is the system has a lot of depth, and each style offers something for every playstyle. Against that is a diverse assortment of creative enemies that get more and more challenging as you progress, and not through just reskins with health and damage turned up, they’ll actually behave in more challenging ways, they’ll flank you, they’ll rebound and counter attack, etc. Dante himself is such a goofy, shit-talking, pizza loving frat boy, someone who loves to show off, perfect for a game about kicking everything’s ass in the most stylish way possible. Vergil as well is a great contrast, cold, self serious, he and Dante play off each other well. The story itself isn’t some masterpiece, but it is well structured and implemented in the context of the game, with Vergil, getting strong enough to beat him, hanging there as your ultimate goal through everything.

As great as this game is, I did still have a couple flaws with it. A couple of missions I found really obtuse, #15 in particular I had to look up a guide for after running around like a headless chicken for a half hour. The camera, while a vast improvement on 1 and especially 2 solely for the fact that you can actually adjust it this time, did still sometimes dick me over, sometimes it was in too tight and I couldn’t see all the enemies around me, sometimes it would drift into an awkward spot in the middle of the action, when I couldn’t focus on adjusting it back. I also thought some of the bosses were a touch weaker than others, Arkham was an especially underwhelming runner up to the true final boss.

As a whole, this game was great. I can easily see how it set the standard for this type of game and in many ways still does. I’m looking forward to playing DMC4 and 5 somewhere down the line.

Ahh yes…uncharted. The naughty dog series where a bloke is just trying to make money off of some treasure, and it pretty much never works. If someone usually mentions the uncharted series they usually have great things to say about the second game, the third game (not for me), and the fourth game…but never this one. So, is this game bad? Not necessarily, but it’s definitely not great either.

You play as Nathan drake, a descendent of the legendary Francis drake, on his way to discover the treasure of el dorado. So it’s a standard adventure plot with a love interest and a partner alongside you: elena and sully. You can kinda tell this game was really inspired by Tomb raider and Indiana jones with its similar ideas.

The gameplay is…it’s eh. Shooting isn’t really that great…like…it’s very likely for complaints…you really aren’t gonna like it that much especially coming from the later games. The puzzles also aren’t that extraordinary but at least they’re not unbearable. And climbing is climbing.

So…is uncharted 1 a ‘bad’ game? Not really. I stand by the fact the later games (maybe not 3) are probably better and refine things a lot.

Decent first game, mid gameplay, ok puzzles, some people really shouldn’t have survived during this game like geez

the threepeater is a plant in this game, which shoots in three lanes. the lane above, the lane its on, and the lane below, right? the threepeater has three heads, each one layered vertically in order to make them visible to the player. whenever a zombie is within one of the three lanes, it fires, and each of it's heads bob in order to show the action and give it a bit more life, as all the plants do. however, if you place the threepeater at the top or bottom lanes - lanes which it cant possible shoot all three - the top or bottom heads respectively wont bob when the threepeater fires, as it's not firing in those non-existant lanes, while the others still will. this game is 5 bucks on steam in case youre wondering

‘This game is fucking awezome’ - sincerely, the zombies
I barely replay games, idk why but whenever i try replaying something i just can't! Not even games that i love like Hollow Knight or Subnautica. There is one game that i replay often tho and that is plants vs zombies. Pvz is also a game that has a special place in my heart simply because it was the first game i ever played. As you can tell by the title, in Pvz you have to defend your house from zombies by using plants. You have a couple of rows where you can place your plants, and each plants costs a certain amount of suns which can be gained with plants that generate sun and if you're on a level with sunlight, sun will sometimes fall off the sky. The game has a total of 5 areas, each one containing 10 levels, one of them being unique, and on the last level the plants cost no sun but instead a conveyor belt gives you the plants. The day area is very generic but its whole purpose is pretty much being a tutorial, and it serves it really well. The unique level here is bowling BUTT with wall nuts, explosive wall nuts and zombies, pretty damn awesome if you ask me. The night area is similar to the day but there's a catch. Since it's night sun won't fall out of the sky and sunflowers generate sun slower, using the sunshroom is obviously the most effective way to gain sun in this area. There are also gravestones scattered around the yard which spawn zombies on the last horde and you can't place any plants on them unless you use a grave buster which is unlock on the 3rd level in the night area. On the unique level here you beat the shit out of zombies that spawn on a grave with a hammer and i personally found this to be the best unique level in the game.All the plants that you unlock in this area start sleeping when you try to use them on an level with daylight unless you use a coffee bean which is unlocked on the last area.
This area also has the dancing zombie which is one of the sickest enemies i've seen in any videogame.
The third area has a fricking pool! To place most plants on the pool you will have to place a lily pad . Unlike in the other areas you have six rows this time. The unique level here is a conveyor belt level except this time the zombies are really small and faster. Zombies will also emerge from the pool on the last horde of the level. The fog area is the same as the pool area except this time is at night and there's a fog. The fog keeps you from seeing on which row the zombie is coming from and obviously which zombie it is. You can remove the fog by using 2 planterns or the blover. The unique level has a bunch of vases that you have to break and in those vases you either have a plant or a zombie. Also the conveyor belt level here straight up makes your screen black and you can only see when a lightning strikes. The final area is the roof. On this area you have to place a vase to place a plant. The unique level here tho kinda stinks, its basically a conveyor belt but with only chompers (one of the worst plants), pumpkin, vases and cherry bombs. Some plants here like the peashooter are kinda useless. The final level has the only boss fight of the game and i would say that they nailed it, you basically fight this giant ass robot that can spit fireballs and ice balls, throw vehicles at you and spawn zombies.
These different areas and unique levels are also really great ways to keep the game from getting stale.With so many plants available there's a ton of different ways to beat levels which gives pvz a lot replayability (ok now i see why i replay this game so much lol). The game also has a dope enemy variety, there are zombies:that ride dolphins, miner zombies, zombies that fly using a baloon, a zombie on a pogo stick and much more.
Oh and how can i forget about crazy Dave! He is your only human friend in this whole game, you can also buy a bunch of stuff from him. Pvz also has a bunch of minigames such as the one where you place zombies instead of plants or the one where the zombies have the head of plants. Another thing that pvz brings to the table is a garden zen and that shit is just dope as fuck. One of the best parts about this game is the music, mowing down zombies with lame music would be lame.
I would get 54 different kind of strokes if i tried to make a ranked list of my favourite songs from this game since they're all so good! I find it funny how this game looks miles better than pvz3, a game that came out much later!
Do i have any complaints about this game tho? Well after a long time of thinking, my only complaint is the 5th level on the roof annnndddddd yep that's it. I've seen ppl complain about the game being too easy but for me it wasn't a problem.
Even with my nostalgia glasses off i still think that pvz is an amazing and charming game, who needs crack when you can watch a bunch of plants tear down hordes of zombies. Oh and the sequels must be good right? Right?
This game is not only great, its CRAAAAAAAAZY

There's something about PvZ that has so much charm that was never replicated ever again in the series. EA failed PopCap

The Deathstroke fight for this game is just Tank Among Us

this is mr. sekiro. he have sword and go clang clang. he can't die. he kill bad person and big monsters. he get bigger sword that glow red. monkey throw poo poo at him. his only personality trait is shinobi. he is lovely.

The title is a lie, you die more than twice.

why did I have to remember this, now I have to log it, damnit

its really not that bad for a free chase horror game. Obviously poorly written, though i can see earnestness and a real attempt at making something meaningful and helpful, the main problem is that the writers are not writing about their experiences, they’re writing about what they percieve younger people go through, specifically younger people who have gone through types of bullying that the older writers have never experienced themselves.
has some great environment designs, an incredible monster design (shoutout Ito!) cool perspective stuff, and a genuinely well designed, though poorly taught control scheme. Also, loved the haptic feedback and static in the controller speaker, because in chase sequences, they tell you where the monster is in relation to you, and they tell you how close the monster is.

i care about silent hill, and the series future. this is a rough first step but i can find genuine good in it and, again, an earnestness thats absent from, say, Silent Hill: Ascension.

A game with genuinely fascinating ideas, let down by uninspired direction.
While there a moments of intrigue invited by the protagonist and her friends, the rather generic "teen" writing let's down what could be a nuanced tale. Without a deep understanding of their characters and the world their generation exist within, the themes of suicide and public image fall short.

Watching the YouTube docuseries on this game recontextualized my disappointment. I saw the enthusiasm the developers had for this title... And even if the story itself doesn't work for me... I sincerely hope their team works together more!

Oh also gameplay is whatever. takes the SH: Shattered Memories approach of relegating horror to specific chase sequences. There is no tension until the mascot of deforestation chases you down.

In the most masochistic way possible, the final chase was kind of fun. But I also pull teeth for fun.