Castlevania Perfected. If your familiar with the original Castlevania this game is a treat. It starts out quiet for you to collect your bearings, you realize how slick the whip is now and the improvements to stairs. The game feels like sutch an improvement without making it to easy.

What I felt could have been better. The sound track, while nice and I did like it didn't hit as hard as past games. Felt like a more chill version of the tracks vs the exciting adventure we got used to. Also stage A and B had sutch a jump in difficulty, I went from killing bosses in 2 seconds to to actually having to figure them out. The bosses were never unreasonably dificut except maby the stages themselves but they were very unforgiving and I felt the difficulty could have been ramped more insted of this spike.

Pretty enjoyable game. Gameplay wise is pretty mutch Castlevania. The 3 other characters you play is pretty cool and ads a lot to the game. I didn't find Alucard satisfying though. Turning into a bat was cool but I found the added height and fire ball attack not very useful. Having to play it at least 3 times doesn't really add to the experience and forces the game to be repetitive if you want to experience all of it.

Short game but beautiful execution. The first in this series was not good, bad controls, boring repetitive levels... But this game was extremely responsive. The boss fights were amazing, something I was not expecting on the game boy! Music was good. The story wasn't fleshed out very much in game but the concept works with everything. Never got to easy or to fusterating. Was quite suprize with this concidering how bad the first one was.

It's a realy cute game. I found it fun magical and whimsical. The game had great controls that made it quite enjoyable. It's filled with many different weapons but under utilizes the need to switch them making it feel uninovative. The last level is a bit obnoxious and ruins the pacing. Probably the worst thing about the game is the sound effects in the final boss. The boss isn't to difficult but the sound makes the experience unbearable. As fun and cute as the game is it's not great objectively.
I have a personal doc with some notes that I am working on refining my game reviews this is the first on this system. I pro will start versioning them and adding that to them.

The game would be fun but it has a few big issues. It clear wants you to fail everything that has the slightest difficulty to it so you can restart and make the game not take 20 minutes like it could. That becomes so much more worse because the game runs super slow the second 3 moving things are on the screen and every movement feels sluggish and off while most jumps are barely posible. Also some encounters require frame perfect precision to not get hit. Also not to forget the one section where it seems like if you take a wrong turn it's game over...

I could go on in depth about what makes this a good game, but I will keep it simple. The week est part of the game is that 80% of the last area story wise is just reiterating what you already understand.

ATTACK - Short and fun, leaves you wanting more 4/5
BLACKTWR - The problem with this one is it's to exact on the amo layout leaving you always almost in a realy bad position, normaly that can be engagining but it doesn't work you up to it 2.5/5
BLOODSEA - It's okay, I missed the punching upgrade at first would have been more fun to have it sooner 3.5/5
CANYON - Prety Meh, I don't get the point in putting the secrets behind doors that require backtracking the whole level feels lazy. 2.5/5
CATWALK - Realy strange level. A lot going on in a very small space. Clever but not necessarily satisfying expecialy when getting all the items after you find the end. 2.5
The Combine - Short and sweet but ruined by the fact it doesn't communicate to shoot the last switch. 3.5/5
Combine - It's decent but the pacing falls apart half way through. 3.5/5
The Garrison - It's fine. 3/5
Geryon - I don't know mutch about Dr. Sleep levels but this one is actually fun. Good range of weapon use and good level size 4/5
Titan Manor - Overwhelming in the start then just confusing and sutch once you get your bearings. I get it is supposed to be puzzles but it is super not obvious what to do. 0.5/5
Mephisto's Maosoleum - I thought this would be good. I think the layout is good but the balance is broken, to many boss sized enemies and not enough amo. 3.5/5
Minos' Judgement - I liked this one too. Good size was able to just check out a new area if it was to difficult but never felt like I was wasting time 4/5
Nessus - Was good, kind of short though. 4/5
Paradox - this one was pretty good. 4/5
Subspace - I like this one very much. Bigest isue was lack of clerity that you had to hit some doors to progress. I figured it out quickly but I don't see how you should know to do that. Solving this level was not satisfying. 1/5
SUBTERA - Solid level short simple but fun and enjoyable 4/5

The game is over all fun but is hurt by bugs and inacesable areas leaving the player feeling needlessly incomplete. Some levels seemed to be a good idea but on higher difficulties are just anoying sutch as MAP22. Some of the later levels remain difficult but are more rewarding.

I didn't find that many bugs. The problem is the game does nothing to communicate how to progress. It assumes you know the next place to go, problem is it feels open world so you often just get lost. Acting realy bad even for it's time. I also gave a low rating because I bought this game due to people saying it's one of the best Sonic games. It's not by far and sure people can love it personally but when giving recommendations for other people's time and money we need to be a little more critical.

I liked this as a kid. Thought I was emo.

Keeps you coming back until you stop playing Wii.

As a game it's awsome! As a follow up to Bioshock 2 it hits all the right boxes. As a Bioshock game... We'll it's a definitely shock game not a Bioshock game. As a shock game, it's not as good at being a Shock game as the other Bioshocks and Systemshock. As an immersivesim it's horrible.

The game is fun but the lore makes no sense. I am not talking about the story making sense I am talking about the immersion and plasability of the world existing. Some people have made videos on this. I had a rare opertunity as a kid tk watch a presentation on it. The best way to view it is the plasmids. They don't make sense lor wise in this game unlike in rapture.
What makes this a Bioshock game is the mechanics.
What makes this a shock game is the story telling style.
What makes this an immersive sim, nothing.

Note, fix errors in this review.

More of the same but in everything just slightly less good.

I have been playing all the home console mega man games in order. When I got to this one I didn't like it at first. Couldn't make jumps, controls felt bad excet. Then I realized the movement wasn't the mega man games on the NES this was mega man x. Made the game much easier not only from me playing it wrong but to previous mega man games. But easier didn't mean easy. I felt this game was quite enjoyable with a good balance of difficulty and exploitability.