Dread is real.

Samus is back and she's on her absolute prime.

Ubisoft took the risk and it paid off. This game is pure fun with it actually made me like the Rabbids.

Unhinged, pure fun. This is, to date, my most played game of all time.

Get 999 and improve it tenfold and you get VLR, the best game of Uchikoshi's Zero Escape trilogy.

Will you trust your allies?

The first game of the legendary Zero Escape trilogy. 999 will hook you for days and proceed to break your mind.

One of the best JRPGs you will find on the 3DS, if not the best.
Combine Shimomura's genius tracks with a 3x3 grid-based strategy system, badass main character and engaging plot.

A good evolution coming from generation VI but the amount of handholding and unskippable cutscenes brings down the score.

Decent game but a massive downgrade coming from Generation V.
The PSS was a great feature for its time.

A great game with a few mechanical downgrades compared to the N64 version.

Not gonna lie, this might be the worst FE game I've played.

It perhaps has the best gameplay in the entire series, varied map objectives and fun map layouts but that's it for me. Terrible cast and the plot is very bad. OST is amazing, though.

Conquest but without the fun gameplay

While I love good plots, I also love when developers take risks. Gaiden is considered the black sheep of the series for a reason, they introduced a lot of changes from the first game. I love this game for many reasons: SoV removes the weapon triangle, it introduced Casual mode which is HUGE as the classic mode was driving a lot of interested new players away. The introduction of Mila's Turnweel , a fantastic addition that made its comeback with Three Houses. The production values of SoV are above avarage, having a fantastic cast of VAs, beautiful artstyle and perhaps my favorite soundtrack in the entire series. The bad thing about this game are the maps, they are super bland but that was expected as a remake of Gaiden.

The highest peak of the Pokémon franchise.

Peak Mario & Luigi game, extremely fun JRPG.