This is what Ys peak looks like.

Perhaps the best Cold Steel game and all thanks to the new Class VII and some fixes that made CS2 extremely frustrating.

And downgrade in every possible way compared to the Sky trilogy and Crossbell duology but still a good game and a decent starting point for newcomers.

The wait to get over the language barrier was worth it.

Sky the 3rd is my favorite Trails game from a narrative point and it's only matched by the Crossbell duology, with a tight cast, unexpected moments and an incredible soundtrack.

The Xenoblade Chronicles game with the highest highs and the lowest lows in my opinion.

While not my favorite Xenoblade game, the ending of certain chapter has probably the best narrative and mindbending moment from the trilogy.

This is my favorite Xenoblade Chronicles games, sadly it also comes with some flaws.

The field skills are poorly executed, I still remember the amount of times I couldn't progress because I was lacking a few levels totally cutting off that freedom of exploring.

Some of the female blades design's are straight up terrible and overlysexualized, I'm glad I could play this alone because some moments are embarrasing.

The gacha is terrible. Never do this again please.

Beyond that, the overall plot, the soundtrack and the battle mechanics are INCREDIBLE and if you can tolerate what I said above then this game is very worth your time.

A great sequel to Splatoon 2. The story mode is 10 times better and the new weapons are extremely fun. Sadly, I think the game played too safe and lacks a bit of innovation.

The OST alone is enough to buy this gem of a game.

The best pokémon game since Generation V.

The most fun I've had playing a Fire Emblem game since FE4 and Shadows of Valentia, and for a good reason. Three Houses is like if these 2 titles had a child. It borrows a lot of story and lore concepts from FE4 and some mechanical concepts from Shadows of Valentia.

My 2018 GOTY.

Celeste came at a really dark time for me so it holds a very special place in my heart. One of the greatest platformers ever made.

I still think about Pauline's concert to this date.

What can I say about this game that hasn't been said already. This is one of those industry-changing games and I'm greateful that I lived enough to play this masterpiece.

It has 50 million+ copies sold for a reason.