Bruh route B was pretty awful, despite 9S being the best character. Never finished it.

I love this game. Some of the best maps, best weapons, Quick Scoping was great, specialist was introduced, Support package was awesome, I think KC was added for the first time in this game, and spec ops was amazing too. I have a few complaints that keep this from being a perfect game though: campaign was decent, but nothing special. The balancing in the first few months were pretty bad, type 95 and FMG9 plagued the game for a while and even after the nerfs, I still think they were a bit cheesy. Deathstreaks are stupid and had no business being in this game.

It's still love, this will probably always be the peak CoD game for me.

1v1, FD, no items, Fox only.

I'm not going to lie, I think this is a game I could not appreciate at the time. This felt stagnant to me after loving MW3, but if I got something like this after, say Infinite Warfare, I think I would have loved it.

The GOAT Spider-Man game, don't @ me.

Don't try and pretend this is a video game smfh.

Campaign was solid, better than WW2, but worse than IW. Spec Ops are terrible, don't know how they failed this badly on it after how amazing it was in MW2 and MW3. Multiplayer has the best actual shooting mechanics of any CoD, but I have serious problems with how it's designed to cater toward campers. Elephant footsteps with no Dead Silence perk (it's a field upgrade instead), low TTK, bad maps with worse spawns, kill streaks instead of score streaks, ect. It's a solid game, but it easily could have been the best CoD game if they actually catered the game to, well, people who like CoD instead of BF defectors.

Free content is amazing though, even if they destroyed some classic maps like Scrapyard and Vacant. Also Warzone is amazing, I'd rate that 4 or 4 and half stars separately.

I quit this game after 5 or 6 hours. I always thought Bioware was kind of wank, but I think this is when public perception started changing.

Beat the campaign once. It was very fun to do, but even though this game is designed for replay ability I lost interest in it right after.

I used to play Kirby, but I play Fox now.

Never finished, Nioh is better.