for my own sake i'm not counting this game's dogshit story in this rating otherwise it'd be a 1 star. best gameplay in the series and it isn't even close

aramis may i have your hand in marriage

we have Gambling Addiction at home

wasn't a gamer as a kid so this was the first proper console game i ever played :') will always have a very special place in my heart

got into ace attorney around the start of quarantine and honestly i think it changed my life

weakest game in the series before the 3D releases but man. case 4 i will always love you

3/5 cases are part of my overall top 5 how did they manage to knock it out of the fucking park with this one

POLLY TIME!!!! i think aa3 is my favorite game but aa4 is somehow the one i love the most, if that makes sense :O such a perfect game!!! aa4-1 is probably my favorite case in the series and the overall mystery of how phoenix lost his badge and what role everyone played in it is just so insanely compelling to me. i LOVE a good fall from grace i LOVE phoenix losing his reputation i LOVE daughter acquisition and the light of my life trucy wright i LOVE klavier's stupid fucking air guitar i LOVE polly's silly little chords of steel i LOVE you beautiful spritework and amazing music i LOVE you phoenix being insanely hot I mean what who said that i love you aa4 i love you i love you

objectively the weakest game in the series (though subjectively i prefer it to aa6) but that one sprite of phoenix where his jawline is um............................ Nvm. anyways i don't know how it's possible to follow up aa4 — a game about a fundamentally broken legal system that ends with the introduction of a brand new jury system — with ANOTHER game about a fundamentally broken legal system that somehow manages to introduce no meaningful stakes and no reason to really care. but aa5 managed it i guess

you know this one sucked when the best case by FAR was the filler case about simon's noodles. that said they got a dog to latch onto edgeworth's cravat so unfortunately i can't hate this game

HOLY PEAK also tgaa honestly has the best pursuit theme in the series

HOOOOOOOOOLY PEAK asougi kazuma i need you Carnally .

played it for the first time in third grade on my mom's ipad. missile we love you forever

one of my favorite games of all time i've been thinking about it basically nonstop for two years straight

incredibly charming! probably one of the best worlds to immerse yourself in out of the fe games i've played, which is helped immensely by hidari's stunning art direction, full voice acting, and a world + characters that feel both lived in and straight out of a fairy tale. on the other hand.... there's the gameplay. which is fine at the start and generally alright on alm's route, but celica's route feels borderline unplayable once you get to the desert + swamp maps. really enjoyed playing it the first time, but probably won't go back to it