I will never forgive Atul for not giving me his scene at the everdoor

Fun arcade game, but I hate that you can only dodge horizontally

Loved the first one, but had to abandon this pretty quickly. It's just more of the same but with less atmosphere. Way too bland and content-less for a sequel to such a simple game

It gets boring really quickly if you're not super into building houses or watching fake people doing stupid stuff on their own. Also EA sucks.

Why the hell are people reviewing this a separate game? Y'all know stand-alone expansions are still DLCs right? Of course it's gonna be the same game as Dishonored 2. I really don't understand how these people's brains work

The controls are terrible. It was really painful to play it to the end, but the story is great and the dialogues are pretty good so I liked it nonetheless. Deserves a decent "remastered"

Italian Pokémon fans waited years for this, and we've been told that we were finally gonna get a mature story in a Pokémon game. Lmao that absolutely wasn't the case. It's overall just an average Pokémon game with some cute stuff in the post-game

The worst JRPG I've ever played.

- The combat is absolutely trash, even the shittiest enemy is a damage sponge and takes 5 minutes of button mashing to kill (the bad kind of button mashing, not satisfying like a Musou).

- The story is garbage like the average anime, with characters that are so unbelievably boring that I just cringe thinking about their dialogues.

- Level design is stuck in 2008 and there's virtually no RPG aspect to the game: no dialogue choices, no armors and you just need to buy a new weapon every new city.

- EVEN THE MUSIC IS TRASH, how the fuck do you manage to miss the soundtrack in a JRPG? Even the bad or mediocre ones have great soundtracks.

I had to stop after getting all the party members, I wasted enough time on this crap. This kind of game is the proof that videogame journalism and critics have a huge bias towards certain genres like Indies and JRPGs. If you're older than 12 and you've played a game before in your life, this is not for you.

It had the perfect length to not seem repetitive to me, never got bored


I'm at a point in my life where I'm kind of tired of playing hard games, so I'm glad I didn't quit after my 14th try at the second level. Definitely deserve some awards this year.

If you don't like the gameplay it doesn't mean it's a "trash UPS simulator", grow up and accept that some games are not for everyone.

Very "unnecessary". Since I'm not a 14 years old girl, I'm not particularly interested in teen romances with cute dialogues. The whole thing feels like a way for Naughty Dog to milk the huge success of the base game. Given that a part of the money probably went into the budget for The Last of Us Part 2 I'm definitely not complaining.

30 fps felt like 5 at best, huge delay and 0 valuable support after launch other than broken characters that ruin the game for everyone that didn't buy them. Imagine if the game was made by a competent game developer...

I don't mind playing a generic open world game like this every once in a while. Way better than the first one obviously and San Francisco is pretty

The new engine is great for walking around and entering stores without loadings, but the combat is kinda lame and isn't nearly as deep as Yakuza 0 and Kiwami 1. Also the story gets really stupid towards the end, apparently everyone is a Korean Mafia member