53 reviews liked by alessde03

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10/10 in school
3/10 outside

I NEED to smoke a blunt with this fish

When i was 8 years old i knelt before my window and prayed to god that i would wake up tomorrow on a beach as a Pokemon with no memories and join a guild and save the world.

became atheist the next day.

Haven’t played yet but he erased his deadname? I’m so happy for his transition

Worst Mario platformer because I ain’t trying to play my games with that little controller that looks like a dildo

Why would I want to fight a street? This country’s infrastructure is bad enough as it is, destroying a street is just going to make it worse

because the game was boring I unconsciously opened twitter while a cutscene was playing and got spoiled about alan wake on my timeline so I'll be hating xenosaga from now on

This game absolutely screams mediocre in the worst way possible. Just look at the box art and the cropped in pictures of Claire in the zombie’s eyes!! I cannot imagine someone who would of picked up this one on release and paid full price for this absolute definition of a highway robbery. Basically the port of an arcade lightgun type of game with 4 levels and the gun system is horrible. You can only carry one other with your pistol and I don’t think ammo even stacks. I played as Claire and Steve stayed in my way the whole time. This damn fool was a liability if anything. It’s pretty damn tough on normal with only 3 lives and then its instantly “back to the main menu” game over. After finishing it I was relieved to be done with it and cannot believe one of my beloved favorite franchises dropped such a massive dookie turd on the name of Resident Evil. I heard it was supposedly a dream sequence Claire and Steve had on the Plane while asleep, no doubt it was a horrible nightmare. If I was Claire I would of woke up and just started wailing on Steve for being such a giant pain in the ass!

i cant believe they made an entire world where trans people can surf