What I did like:

- Team Skull.
- Some of the environment designs were cool.

What I didn't like:

- Pretty much everything else. This game continues the trend of the X and Y curse. It's far too easy, Z-moves aren't very exciting once you've used them more than once, mega evolutions aren't obtainable until the end of the game, and the story is boring. Even with the inclusion of worm-hole travel, a city in another dimension and space pokemon!

What I did like:

- The art direction. This is one of the most beautiful platformers I've played.
- The story is short, simple and punchy and knows how to hit the right emotional notes.
- At times, the platforming momentum feels excellent.

What I didn't like:

- The combat. I feel like there should have been more options with the spirit flame, and it was a lot more effective most of the time to dodge or use the abilities.
- Some very frustrating platforming levels, especially where the spikes were involved.
- A weird bug on PC where sound wouldn't play through my mixer, and certain actions would bug the screen.

What I did like:

- Another fantastic game in terms of immersion. The world really encourages you to explore and each new environment has its own set of resources and challenges that you need to overcome making it very satisfying to progress to the next vehicle, or base upgrade.

- Speaking of vehicles, they're awesome. The cyclops is a bit clunky, but the sea moth and upgraded prawn suit make traversal and resource collection really fun, especially in the later stages of the game.

- The creature designs are awesome. There are times where this game straight up turns into a horror - I would strongly encourage anybody with thalassophobia to avoid this game, for obvious reasons.

What I didn't like:

- The only really thing I truly disliked was the story cues. I know the game wants you to explore and find things naturally, but the map is massive on occasions where I would obtain data logs, the PDA wouldn't provide the next location, leading me to some moments where I had no clue where to go or what to do next besides upgrade my stuff. There are also some radio alerts which made little sense to the overall story. I understand in a game like this the story isn't too important, but there were maybe some bits of the game that could've had a little more polish. But again, this is a minor gripe in an otherwise fantastic game.

To preface this review, I bought the game on release day but waited until Patch 2.1 (yes, two years) before playing. I knew I would enjoy this game and I'm glad I waited.

What I did like:

- The world-building. This game is EXPANSIVE. I did every mission, every gig, every NCPD call and the DLC. Yes there were moments where I was just trying to push through it for the achievement but there's enough distinction between environments and missions that you will have a great time. It goes without saying that this game is absolutely stunning graphically.
- The perk tree is great and encourages you to try different builds, most of which are fun to use.
- The story is good overall. Grating at times, but good. I enjoyed most of the main characters and the DLC was excellent.
- The combat is really, really good. There are so many different ways to approach missions and there is enough variety in the weapons that you want to try them all, especially the iconic ones.

What I didn't like:

- Now, I do say that this game is expansive. However, it also feels odd to me that the romance option with your chosen partner only allows you to play the same date over and over again.
- I feel the driving could have been refined a little more but this is a minor gripe because some of the cars are awesome.
- Some odd glitches during combat, driving and one crash, but in 115 hours I would say my experience was pretty negligible compared to the clips I've seen on YouTube.

In any case, I would never play a game for 115 hours unless it was a true masterpiece. Worth every enny.


What I did like:

Let's get this out the way. The game is beautiful. It's so visually striking at times I just had to walk around and absorb the atmosphere.

The water sections are amazing.

What I didn't like:

I only spent 3 hours total playing this, but the final act felt like it dragged; I don't feel like this had the momentum that Journey did.

The reason the water sections are so fun is because Gris has a boost and swims fast, but on land she's painfully slow. This probably contibutes to the point above, but it would've been nice if Gris either moved faster or there was a run button.

What I did like:

- This game looks great. The look and feel is very similar to Resident Evil 2 which I had a lot of fun with.
- The RE Engine having a great time rendering Carlos's hair.

What I didn't like:

- The length. I know this is a common criticism of this game, but wow. My total playtime was around 5hrs, and whereas with a game like Journey, which I could replay infinitely, this game does not grip me enough to want to try multiple playthroughs.
- More focus on set pieces and less focus on horror. Residnt Evil 2 was overwhelmingly atmospheric. I jumped a few times with 3, but enough times I could count on my hand. The Nemesis encounters were more annoying than they were scary, which I heard is a significant difference from the original.

What I did like:

More of the previous game. Slightly less-engaging story, but Miles is a very likeable protagonist and who doesn't love the new black suits.
The new abilities are great to use and the stealth system is still fun.

What I didn't like:

Even though there were new abilities, the skill tree didn't enhance the gameplay as much as the previous one did.
The story is a lot shorter. You need to play the game twice to get Platinum, so it's almost as if it's throwing that short length in your face.

This is a game that snuck up on me. I was expecting to have a good time, but I didn't anticipate just how good that time would be. Another game that I ended up playing to Platinum. Engaging story, decent combat (although repetitive at times) and the MJ missions were just pants.

But man. That traversal system. In the words of Bully Maguire, "this is something else".

What I did like:

For the first original Metroid entry we've had in years, this was a fantastic return to form. It builds on everything that Samus Returns did and delivers more. There are some stutters, but gameplay is fluid and responsive and the powerups make everything worth the exploration.

The story is simple but streamlined. It doesn't waste a lot of time and the cutscenes were awesome. I was relieved to find out that in the entire game Samus only speaks once.

What I didn't like:

Only one thing. Those damn shinespark puzzles. I may have beaten Normal Mode at 100%, but it was at the cost of my sanity.

I don't think I need to add to the endless list of people that worship this game. All I will say is, this is the second game I have ever achieved platinum on. So take that as you will.

What I did like:

The improvements over the first game. I cannot even explain how SATISFYING it is to use stealth now, or even a mixture of stealth and combat if you want. Combat is far more fleshed out and each scenario has a number of different approaches that make this game VERY satisfying to play.

The narrative. Excellent performances by those involved and a good, (mostly) well-written and fleshed out story. However-

What I didn't like:

The pacing. I believe one critic said that the game would be perfect if not for being 5 hours too long, and I'm inclined to agree. I understand why they chose to structure the dual narratives the way they did, but personally I found it jarring and by the end I wasn't really invested in either story and just wanted it to end.

What I will say though is there are some great moments and this game is well, well worth the money.

I'm docking a star because this remaster is starting to show its age in the gameplay. It's great to play but I find the stealth system is awful on Hard mode or harder which is frustrating considering on those modes you're forced to take a more tactical approach to combat.

Or maybe I'm just a scrub. Either way, story is incredible and I'm buzzed for Part II.

I really didn't know how they would top God of War 2018. But they did. This game should set the precedent for modern game design. Story and gameplay are together here in perfect harmony and achieving the platinum trophy for this game was worth every second.

This is such a frustrating game to review. It's one of those games that sets the blueprint down for what could eventually end up as a masterpiece but at the same time, it's so flawed by that pokemon 'not enough refinement' plague that the series has been suffering from since Black & White 2.

What I liked:
The gameplay. God damn is it fun to sneak up on Pokemon real-time and throw a pokeball at them. Battling is so much more fluid and fun. Pokemon attack you. Alpha Pokemon are awesome. You can fly / surf / ride in real-time.

What I didn't like:
Holy crap, the story. How did they end up having a concept like this and still manage to write such a vapid story?! And why can Xenoblade Chronicles have voice acting on the Wii, but we can't have voice acting on pokemon switch games?! It just felt like they spent all the hours on the gameplay and then realised they were 3 days away from release and hadn't written anything else down.

It's more of what was great about the first game, but it's a lot faster-paced and more difficult. Can't say I'm too keen on all the platforming elements but it was good solid fun.