Played a couple hours of Tetris during the presidential debate. Thought it would help calm my anxiety. It did not.

(side note I think I prefer dr mario as a puzzle game sorry)

Played on NSO Gameboy

"I'm gonna play Dread next!" I say as my hands uncontrollably click the NSO Gameboy icon and boot up Metroid II.

To be fair, I've also been trying to play a lot of the NSO Gameboy titles since I don't have much experience with them and want to play them all. So Metroid II fit in with that goal. You know the ol "kill two birds with one Gameboy NSO app" saying? My grandfather loved that one.

Anyways, what can I say other than I was pleasantly surprised with how not bad this was! I was expecting an awkward gameboy take on the already rough NES Metroid, but this is LEAGUES better than that! Like I legitimately had fun getting all powered up and going around hunting the Metroids. Definitely a strange vibe that you're basically killing off an entire species (Girlie pop Samus in her genocide era!!!) but I knew about that before playing so whatever. The ending is fantastic too with the baby Metroid, I've heard that it comes back but I'm excited to see how it plays out for myself!

So yeah. It's still a bit clunky, and it's certainly a Gameboy game with Gameboy visuals, but nonetheless I had lots of fun with it. Probably my favorite Gameboy game I've played to be honest.

Played on NSO Gameboy

Ahh, my three favorite colors. Black, white, and checkered.

Also known as green green and green if you're on OG gameboy.

Played on NSO Gameboy


I tried playing this a few months back but just wasn't in the mood. Now that it's been added to NSO, I figured I should try it again. Now I can finally say I've beaten a Metroid game, and it was SO GOOD. Some of the puzzles involving the speed boost kinda pissed me off, but other than that the world was pure joy to explore and so rewarding to navigate.

I seriously can't get over the fake-out ending either. I had no idea this wasn't just a 1 to 1 recreation of the original Metroid either and continued after that orignal game ends. Sneaking around that part was seriously freaky and then getting the final suit and absolutely annihilating everything in your path was a power trip. Also, as a Star Fox 64 fan, I LOVE a good "escape a self destructing place" ending and that happened TWICE in this!!!

It's funny I feel like I'm talking about this like it's a new game, when it came out in the early 2000s. But I have barely any experience with Metroid and am so happy I gave this another shot. Honestly the only reason I'm not giving it a 10/10 is I feel like there will be other Metroid games after this that I'll play and like more. But this was an excellent jumping-on point and now that it's on NSO you have no excuse to not play it if you have a Switch.

So yeah, this rocked. Idk what Metroid game I'll play next. I've played a little bit of the orignal and Dread, but this is the first one I actually beat. Maybe I'll get Samus Returns? Or try Prime Remastered? I'm not sure, but any suggestions are appreciated!

Played on NSO GBA

Showing the homies the "face collection" was always a good time...

I know as a "distinguished gamer" I'm supposed to frown upon the blandness and unoriginality of the New Super series....but....I actually kinda like this one. The coins are fun to collect even if they're ultimately pointless.

Wow. I genuinely hated playing this. So much garbage in the level design. I seriously don't think I garnered an ounce of fun from it.

Except from the dog. I like the dog.

Played on NSO Gameboy

Wow! So many awesome new games announced in the Nintendo Direct today! Maybe I should play some Zelda, or Metroid, or Mario & Luigi in preparation for those releases!

proceeds to play beetle pinball game from 2018

In all seriousness this has been in my backlog for a while and I'm so glad I finally got around to playing it. I love pinball and seeing someone make a full-blown metroidvania style adventure game out of it is sickkk. Would love to play more games similar to this (preferably with some sort of pinball mechanic) so if anyone has any recommendations let me know!

All these different coasters to build and I still just choose an RMC every time.

Thought I'd actually try playing a new video game for once. It was okay. All I know is that every single character in this game gives off "Glup Shitto" vibes. If you're a Star Wars fan you'll know what I mean.

Bro I can't believe they made a sequel to Mario Bros!

God I love rail shooters. AKA Star Fox 64 is my favorite game of all time and it's the only rail shooter I've ever played.

But this was a goofy fun time. Never played a House of the Dead game either but this was pretty much what I was expecting from it. The game looks and runs awful at some points but like does that really matter? It's just an enjoyable zombie-head-exploding time with a wacky """""""""plot"""""""""" (did I use enough quotation marks?) if you're into that sort of thing.


Damn Yoshi will really just eat ANYTHING huh like how tf do you eat a ghost??

played on NSO NES

Got this with my Wii U in 2013 and at the time I was young and stupid and didn't understand that the "New Super" series was being exhausted by Nintendo. I just thought it was a fun sequel to the Wii one I loved so much, and enjoyed it overall.

But man now I get it. Like if you put a gun to my head and told me to describe specific traits of a level in this game, I'd say shoot me.

Wait actually I'd say "OH MY GOD THE VAN GOGH LOOKING ONE" and then you'd say "everyone says that one say something else" and then I'd stutter and sweat a bunch and then you'd shoot me.

I could see Mr. Potato Head's soul leave his eyes as I continued to lose to KIM in Connect Four over...and over...and over...and over