15 Reviews liked by arctichre

Link tearing through the lands of Hyrule on the shit that killed Shinzo Abe

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this game is really just a front for "what if fnaf but you had a shotgun"

It ain't even got no point to the game, you just walk around drawin' lines on shit.

This game sucks peter testicles

A lot of people love the shit out of Mega Man 2 and say it's some kind of massive improvement to the first, it's true to an extent but at the same time it's full of so much nonsense that I really don't think it's that much better. I played the Famicom version because I didn't feel like getting insulted by the "normal mode" that's easy mode in disguise.

I seriously think they designed this game around Metal Blade, they give you such a massive ammo capacity for it and throw so much shit coming at you from odd angles that it feels like you need to use it especially since you don't have a slide yet to give you more mobility. I'm really not sure how to feel about it being so OP, it's bad to unbalance weapons to this degree and again it feels like the stage design actively encourages it's use sometimes. It's fun, but still.

I guess their answer to that was to make the Sniper Armors immune to it. By the way, remember the Big Eyes from the last game? Thought they were terrible? Well get a load of the fucking Sniper Armors in this game who take it's place. Now you get all the absurd tankiness and collision damage of Big Eye combined with a ranged attack and the ability to drop a Sniper Joe upon defeat. These guys are complete horse shit for one reason, because of this game's still hideous respawn rate. I absolutely guarantee that there will be a time where you back away to kill one of these chicken walker assholes only to have another respawn right behind the Joe that the last one dropped. It's fucking despicable. It makes Wily Stage 4 even more of a horrendous dumpster fire in the event you're left to farm these guys before the fucking trash heap Boobeam Trap fight that demands Crash Bombs.

I seriously cannot fathom the sheer stupidity of Wily Stage 4 and Boobeam Trap, it's so horrendous and leaves such a bad taste in my mouth even after beating the game that it makes me forget this game's high points prior to it. It's such a goddamn shame, made even worse by me using a pause trick to avoid the Boobeam bullets.

And Wily Stage 4 really isn't the only bad stage in the game either. I seriously cannot even begin to care about Quick Man and Heat Man's stage's ability to lock the player out of beating them without either obtaining Time Stopper/Item-2 or pure memorization and trial-and-error. Ice Man did it too kinda in the last game, but at least there was solid ground underneath the disappearing blocks in his stage.

Back on the topic of the Wily Stages, I really wanna meet the person who came up with the Mecha Dragon fight. I really do. I wanna shake their hand and then rip off their arm and beat them with it. Not only can this oversized dipshit instantly kill you with very little warning upon entering the autoscroller section, but he flashes every time you hit him. At least Mystery of Convoy had the common courtesy to wait until I actually killed the boss before assaulting my eyes, but here they decided it was pure comedy to let the Mecha Dragon throw visual cheap shots at me during the fight to go along with the massive amounts of lag this fucker produces. It takes a serious amount of work to one up the Yellow Devil from the last game, but at least I can still kill this guy without a glitch or wasting minutes of my time. By the way shout outs to the Doki Doki Panic-esque waterfalls in Bubble Man's stage.

Don't get me wrong, MM2 improves upon the first but the low points of this game are so damn bad that I struggle to rate it higher than the original game. I feel like the easy mode that we ended up getting helped people like it more probably. It's a shame cause something like that should've been in the later games albeit with less "lol westerners suck" reasoning behind it, but when something's fucked up, something's fuck up. I will go to my fucking grave shouting "Wily Stage 4 Boobeam Trap" at every person who decrees this game the best.

Favorite Enemy Name: Fly Boy, though "Robbit" obviously being a nod to future PS1 classic Jumping Flash is pretty close.
Favorite Music: Crash Man

so called "free thinkers" when they unlock crackshot => 🐑🐑🐑

A car crash happened right behind my house when I finished this

Evil bastard game designed in hell by maniacs but I love it a lot

i still have no clue what the timing on the marcher game is supposed to be

♩𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘶𝘭 ♩

i wish elite beat agents were real so they could end racism