I think this game is fun. I enjoyed it a lot. The story is (I think) one of the best that Pokemon has ever done, and my favorite game is Pokemon Black & White.

At the same time, this game is also graphically broken and has so many game breaking bugs that I cannot believe that it made it out of quality control & that it didn't receive more patches to improve performance since it came out. So you win some and you lose some.

Pikmin. :)

Has the underground gameplay of 2 and the open world of 3. Also has a separate mode post-game that has the time pressure of Pikmin 1.

My main complaint is that Oatchi, even though I love him, does tend to make the gameplay significantly easier, since you have a unit that can carry up to 100 bulk if you really need him to. On the other hand.... the game IS designed keeping that in mind. So you win some and you lose some. Really good game, really enjoyed replaying it.

A pretty fun roguelike game that has pretty tight controls.

Ian Flynn's writing is refreshing for this game, especially after the disaster that was Sonic Forces. I can see why a lot of people aren't into the game, and I found myself thinking that the gameplay was kind of clunky a lot of the time, but... I really enjoyed this game and basically beat it all in one go opening weekend. I need to go back and replay so that I can do the DLC.

Felt unfinished at launch and the "free updates" that Nintendo pushed to give the game more depth never really hit for me. Also had the misfortune of being played the most at the very beginning of the pandemic when everyone was inside, so everyone burned through the available content immediately.

Which, a lot of people who play Animal Crossing already would have done. But... since everyone was playing the game for ten hours a day, everyone ate through the available content. I would suggest just playing New Leaf, but Nintendo just shut down online connectivity for that game. Damn.

Really fun with a friend! The OST goes crazy.

I think the story and the variation of the normal Pokemon game gameplay loop to explore set maps is a huge boon in this game's favor. I also think that this game may feel the best to play out of the Switch pokemon games.

What can I say? It's Breath of the Wild, the first open world Legend of Zelda game. And it does being an open world fairly well, with there being things to look at all over the map. You're encouraged to gather and craft food items, which gives you incentive to remember where the best ingredients on the map are. And the game and story itself are fun, with a sense of responsibility that hangs over both Zelda and Link like the sword of Damocles within the text.

I do think that the motion controls are significantly worse on the Switch than they were on the Wii U, since the game was obviously initially conceived with the Wii U's game pad in mind. Still a good game.

Tears of the Kingdom is a very good game that Nintendo put a lot of their time and effort into. It's more polished than Breath of the Wild, and the gameplay definitely reflects this. However, I didn't find any of the new mechanics sans making contraptions fun, sorely missed my sheikah slate and its abilities from the last game, think the gyroscopic controls of this game were worse, and did not enjoy the story for basically being a more boring rehash of Ocarina of Time. The area underneath Hyrule seemed like it had a lot of promise, and then after you played for a while you realized that it was more or less just... empty.

That said, I could easily sink another two hundred hours into this game and I do not regret standing in line for hours to get it on release day. I just wish that it was... more.

A game that I keep coming back to when I have some free time. Really enjoyable.

On one hand, I really enjoyed the storylines that I cared about. On the other hand, I was subjected to what basically amounted to unskippable cutscenes of the characters I couldn't stand.

Which, it's a battle tactics game that is also pretty much a visual novel. It's a collection of mecha series and it's got a damn big collection going for it. But... at the same time, out of the ~33(?) properties that were used in the game, I only actually really cared about what eleven or so of the casts had to say.

On the other hand, I loved the original characters in this one and it has perhaps fried parts of my brain forever. You can really tell that the scenario writers were having fun, and a lot of the time it IS infectious, just like another reviewer said.

As a battle tactics game I also have to say that it was too easy to the point of not being particularly engaging, even on the harder difficulties for me.

Is this game good? God no. Is this game fun to play with friends despite being a buggy unfinished mess where half of the campaigns are a miserable slog? Yes. Leon's campaign is the most finished, but they really did try to be ambitious with the storytelling here. There are four campaigns that are all interwoven into two chunks of time in multiple places in the world, and they could not pull it together. It was way too ambitious and fell flat in every way.

But it is really fun to play with friends. I can't emphasize that enough.

One of the best Resident Evil games if not THE best Resident Evil game. While Resident Evil is a survival horror game, RE4 started the shift to action horror. Many of the trends that people don't like in games like RE6 began here, but you know what? This game is cool as hell and is fun to play! Isn't that worth something?

Pretty good game that plays similarly to Wario Land. Or, well, Wario Land if it had significantly tighter controls. The OST is excellent and I'd really recommend it. I just haven't finished yet because I've got other games to play.