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8 hrs ago

bamdumtss finished Conflict: Denied Ops
Probably one of the hackiest shooters of the PS3/360 era, and that's an incredible achievement.

The story is pretty typical US military tacticool stuff, the whole thing's about some Venezuelan coup but you'll end up fighting people in other countries as well. Just another day for US foreign affairs I guess, but at least you'll have more varied locales to blow up.

The problem is, the process of blowing things up is janky as fuck. On my PS3 it runs at 25-ish FPS at best, and it WILL go down to 10-15 FPS when things go south, which is pretty much 80% of the time. It gets worse when you realize that a lot of the objects that the enemies take cover behind are coincidentally placed near explosive objects. Red barrels, propane tanks, you name it. Of course you'll gonna shoot them, why wouldn't you? And when you'll do, the ugliest special effects you'll ever see will flashbang your eyes like it's fourth of July. I guess it's good that we get a momentary break from seeing the game's ugly ass environments, but they're just replacing it with the digital representation of my PS3 having a stroke, so I ain't giving them any credit.

And the gunplay is just absolute tomfoolery. What do you mean that I have infinite ammo to just mow down enemies with? And that the guy that has the LMG can shoot it from the hip with minimal recoil even while running? There's no tactics here, just pure whimsy and vibes. The fact that the game is still kinda hard (in a not fun way) to go through despite that just goes to show that the gameplay is fundamentally fucked from the core.

I don't exactly regret getting this game because it's kinda hilarious to see how much of a mess it is, but I'm pretty sure I can be just as entertained by something else that is not physically painful for my brain to process. So yeah, I'm just gonna touch grass or something.

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