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DoctorIssa finished Turnip Boy Robs a Bank
Turnip Boy Commits Tax evasion was a barebones lite Zelda game with some funny humor. With the sequel Turnip Boy Robs a Bank, I only expected another Zelda like, but massively expanded and improved as we expect from sequels. It turns out what I expected was incorrect, because with the sequel we get s a completely different type of game; a rogue-lite-lite (...?) that takes a lot of inspiration from Enter the Gungeon and Binding of Issac.

While the first game did feel more like a "joke" title, the sequel feels more like a fully fledged title, but still on the bite size in terms of length. Story-wise it is a direct sequel to the first and picks up immediately where you left off, so this game is best played right after being the first as there are a lot of continuing plotlines and running jokes. The game is still funny, but I feel like the humor wasn't a focus this time around.

The gameplay takes a lot of inspiration from Enter the Gungeon borrowing the same twin stick bullet hell with dodge rolls design. Although the layout of the bank is mostly not random, there are rooms where the locations are randomized, but the rooms themselves remain the same, which is why I hesitate to even call it a rogue-lite. The most "Random" element of this game is the weapons enemies drop.
As you continue your way through the bank, fighting bosses and unlocking shortcuts like Dark Souls, you collect money but picking up cash and treasures.

The aim of the game is to collect as many treasures and cash as you can and escape the bank before the cops arrive, otherwise if you die in the bank, all of your treasures and some cash is left behind.
You want as much cash as you can get since you can buy more upgrades and items that will help you progress further and make some bosses easier. It's a fun gameplay loop that doesn't overstay it's welcome.

You can easily beat this in one sitting and it was fun while it lasted. It's nothing too deep. The progression is addicting and the bosses are fun and challenging. Although you're not gonna get some deep endless replayable game here like you would with Enter the Gungeon as once you've finished this game, you've mostly seen everything there is to see.
It was a fun little time playing this game , and just like the first I wouldn't buy this at full price, but if you can get it on a sale you can go wrong with a bite sized romp like this one.

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