I think the game achieved its goal because the last trial truly filled me with despair because of how long it got. Every time I thought the game was over it just kept going. I'd play it again tho, amazing game.

I had the PS2 version but for some reason my game would never save my progress on the memory card so if I wanted to finish it I had to do it in one go. I always died at very last boss battle at the last stage so I was never able to 'truly complete' it lol. But I got there so I'm counting it as a "yes".

Too overwhelming for my pea brain. Also, the world just felt too big, empty and repetitive. I might give it another shot, but I still prefer Majora's Mask and Minish Cap style games over this open-worldish kind.

Cute game. I wish it had a Switch port tbh.

I played this game on a GBA emulator when I was a kid. Being 100% completely in japanese I had no clue what was going on but somehow I managed to beat it lol.

I think it's more fun when you actually have friends. If you play it by yourself it gets kinda sad.

Fun times until you start to lose.

This was my introduction to the Fire Emblem series and it's been amazing; the characters and the voice acting are great and the gameplay mechanics are really fun and enjoyable. Also Claude's in it. I'm in love with a fictional anime man, yes.

If I die and go to hell I know for a fact that the wild area music is what will be playing on loop forever.

I played this game once like in 2015 and remember nothing about it.

My parents were never too fond of consoles and video games in general so this was the first game I ever bought with my own money shortly after graduating from high school. I had already played the N64 version on an emulator and at a friend's house, but this remaster was my first time properly playing it. I can see why is it regarded as one of the greatest games of all time and why it was so revolutionary back in the day (talking about the N64 version). Fun times! :)